Graf Silth's Mission

Games Master’s Information

1st Forest Camp, The Pantaloni Tribe

The Pantaloni tribe control this area of the Fimbrethine Forest. They had combined with most of the other Limuran forest tribes and the Placki plains riders to attack the wolves. For centuries the tribes and the wolves had co-existed living on the deer herds. The evil Sorcerer Beevil had cast spells that gave the wolves larger litters so that soon the deer stock was threatened. That is when the Druid Gravido suggested the alliance to cull the wolves. First they herded most of the deer out onto the grasslands, away from the wolves. Then the plan had been to pin the wolves against the briar tangled border with Neradh not expecting the wolves to escape through them. Truth to tell they had not worried much when large numbers of them had done so. The dwarves would just have to deal with them! The dwarves had always been very selfish in their outlook regarding other peoples. When Vrinto son of Vino fled from Neradh with a gang of other exiles, the tribes allowed them to settle in the forest. This was to spite King Granbold, rather than from any generous motive. Vrinto had to agree to various woodland protecting laws in order to get permission to stay. These laws are enforced by Ents who can call on Huorns if necessary. If not specially authorised, the carrying of axes is forbidden!

     Hunters of the Pantaloni tribe spotted Graf Silth’s party entering their part of the forest. Word was passed back and drums were beaten to assemble the tribes fighters at the Ent Elmentin’s post. Elminton had with him the Ent Bamagon. Bamagon had come from Neradh to report that he had heard the Dwarves Zenith and Zilch, decide that King Granbold should declare war on Limura. Elminton explained this to the three chieftains of the Pantoloni. These were the Head Chief Balder, the Warrior Chief Jakir and the Woman Chief Plumba. Jakir declared that this party must be part of Granbold’s assault on their forest and should be wiped out! Balder thought that this was too hasty. He thought that a real attack would involve larger numbers. Jakir objected that waiting for the larger numbers would be folly! They should wipe out this small force whilst they had the chance! Plumba did not want there to be unnecessary bloodshed. Word had then come that the dwarves had pitched camp. She thought that with the Ent’s support, they should invest the camp but not attack it as yet. She thought that they should send for the Druid Gravido who could parley with the invaders. Perhaps he could persuade them to return over the border?


The Pantaloni &c

Arch Druid Gravido, Ents Elmantin & Bamagon

Druid Gravido Lea, Mo 5”, Fa 6/12, TR 4, SR 6, D-5, C –4, W –3, A 0, Ob 0.8,

Me 0 –1 = -1 Magic staff st 0 + touches x4 = Fa deductions. M Sickle -1 = -1 st +2

3rd level Magician: Charm Sing, Charm Spell, Detect Magic, Detect Scelta, Magic Illumination, Quench Flame, Stranger Sensing, Disarm, Double Crop, Rot Wood, Creature Taming, Wood Crumble. Order Huorn 6MPU 3+ within 9”.

Speaks Kazid, Simnith, Washa. Ent, Hervore, Canine, Carnivore, Reads Runes.   

15c Ent Elmantin Off, Mo 7” Fa 30/60, TI 5, TR 8, SR 5, D -9, C -8, W -7, A -3, Ob      1.8, Me +6 -2 = +4 stun st 0 stun 4 Can disguise as a Tree stump & reverse

4th level magician, Ward Lay, Detect Scelta, Ward Extend, Ward Boost, Move Heavy Object, Create Illusion, Transmorphism, Unnerving Noise, Cling.

Speaks Ent, Washa, Kazid, Jedonese, Edin can herd Huorns

8c Ent Bamagon 5”, Fa 16/32, TI 3 TR 6, SR 3, D -7, C -6, W -5, A -3, Ob 1.4, Me +4 -  2 = +2 stun st -2 stun 4 Can disguise as a Tree stump & reverse

1st Level magician, Unnerving Noise, Cling.

            Speaks Ent, Washa, Kazid, can herd Huorns

Pantaloni Tribe

Chief Balder, Warrior Chieftain Jakir, Women’s Chieftain Plumba, Russet Herbalist, Pron Cook, Crema Plumba’s daughter, 8 javelin men, 8 slingers, 4 javelin women = 26

Chief Balder, Lea, Mo 6", Fa 5/10, TR +3, SR + 3, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +3, Ob 1.8,

Me 1 -1 = -1 staff  stun st -2 stun 4 Speaks Washa, Kazid (P)

Chieftain Jakir Off, Mo 8", Fa 8/16, TR +3, SR + 1, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.6,

Me +3 0 = +3 sword st 0 melee sword parry 7+ St 6, speaks Washa, Kazid (P)

Chieftain Plumba Off, Mo 6", Fa 6/12, TR 0, SR +2, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.2,

Me 0 -0 = 0 sword st 0 speaks Washa, Kazid

Herbalist Russet Ind, Mo 7", Fa 7/14, TR 2, SR + 2, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.6,

Me 0 -1 = -1 dagger st 0 Expert Herbalist, Speaks Washa, Kazid (P) Herbivore

1st Level magician spells: Air Blasts, Ease Pain, Detect Magic, Magic Bolts     

Cook Pron Ind, Mo 6", Fa 6/12, TR 0, SR + 0, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +1, Ob 1.0,

Me 0 -1 = -1 axe st +2 Cook Speaks Washa

Miss Crema Ind Mo 6", Fa 6/12, TR 2, SR + 1, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +1, Ob 1.2,

Me -2 -0 = -2 sword st 0 target parry 7+ St 4 1st aid kit. Speaks Washa

Javelinman Fol, Mo 7", Fa 7/14, TR 0, SR + 0, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.6,

Me 1 -1 = 0 dagger st 0 Javelin 6” 5+, st -2 Speaks Washa

Light Slinger Fol, Mo 7", Fa 7/14, TR 0, SR + 0, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.6,

Me 0 -1 = -1 dagger st 0 sling 4" 5+, 8" 6+, 12" 7+, 16" 8+ 12 st -5 speaks Washa

Javelin woman Fol, Mo 6", Fa 6/12, TR 0, SR + 0, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +1, Ob 1.2,

Me -1 -1 = 0 dagger st 0 Javelin 5” 5+, st -2 Speaks Washa


Vrinto’s Raghi Renegade Dwarves

The Raghi have lived here thirteen years. They have ploughed fields and grown crops to the disgust of the local tribes but there are no laws against it. They have mined accommodation into a cave and fortified their land with traps. They did help with driving the wolves into Neradh. What they lack is any Dvaus so when Klevoe the son of the Pantaloni Herbalist Russet, tells Vrinto that the invading dwarf party has some dvaus in it, he lays an ambush in the hope of capturing some of them!

Sir Vrinto son of Vino, 4 sword dwarves 6 archer dwarves = 11 and an Ox

Sir Vrinto Off, Mo 6", Fa 6/12, TR +5, SR +4, D-5, C-4, W -3, A 0, Ob 1.0,

Me +3 -0 = +3 sword st 0 shield parry 6+ St 4 Speaks Kazid, Washa (P) Reads Runes

Sword Dwarf, Mo 5", Fa 6/12, TR +4, SR +3, D-5, C-4, W -3, A 0, Ob 1.0,

Me +1 –0 = +1 Sword st 0  Shield parry 7+ St 4, Speaks Kazid, Reads Runes

Archer Dwarf Fol Mo 5", Fa 7/14, TR 2, SR + 3, D-5, C-4, W -3, A +1, Ob 1.2,

Me +0 –1 = -1 dagger st 0 Speaks Kazid, Reads Runes

Bow 5" 5+, 10" 6+, 15" 7+, 20" 8+, St -3, 12 arrows


Plan Key

  1. Graf Silth’s party’s entry point
  2. Tangled briars need to be hacked through at 2” per move.
  3. Chevaux de Frisse needs 4 to carry 3” or 2 to swing round 90 degrees
  4. Ploughed field BCC -1” to moves or -2” double moves
  5. Chevaux de Frisse needs 4 to carry 3” or 2 to swing round 90 degrees
  6. Tangled briars need to be hacked through at 2” per move.
  7. Chevaux de Frisse needs 4 to carry 3” or 2 to swing round 90 degrees
  8. Chevaux de Frisse needs 4 to carry 3” or 2 to swing round 90 degrees
  9. Ploughed field BCC -1” to moves or -2” double moves
  10. Stone Sanger stock of 10 hand stones Handstone 4” ht, Range 4” 6+ Strike -3
  11. Large Crag see cliff climbing rules Page 8.
  12. Deep Pit trap 1.2” deep pit trap soft mud bottom St -5. 5” D6 +F P. 28
  13. Deep Pit trap 1.2” deep pit trap soft mud bottom St -5. 5” D6 +F P. 28
  14. Deep Pit trap 1.2” deep pit trap soft mud bottom St -5. 5” D6 +F P. 28
  15. Deep Pit trap 1.2” deep pit trap soft mud bottom St -5. 5” D6 +F P. 28
  16. Entry Point
  17. Bushes
  18. 4 sword dwarves concealed waiting to take party in the rear.
  19. Young crops growing BCC -1” to moves or -2” double moves
  20. Young crops growing BCC -1” to moves or -2” double moves
  21. Normal going
  22. Normal going, exit to forest beyond & possible camp site
  23. Large Crag see cliff climbing rules Page 8.
  24. Stone Sanger stock of 30 hand stones, Handstone 4” ht, Range 4” 6+ Strike -3

            Sir Vrinto & Archer dwarf hidden

  1. Cave entrance with lowered wooden portcullis BS 7. Plough & Ox. The kitchen with a well in it and stair up to Portcullis chamber, sleeping quarters and, top of crag. Also doors to Larder, Workshop, Dining hall.
  2. Wooden bridge joining crags
  3. Large Crag see cliff climbing rules Page 8. 5 Archer dwarves lying hidden.
  4. Entry point


 Ochone Night Wailer

Ochone’s husband Sir Lachyr was treacherously slain by a dwarf. Overcome with grief she committed suicide with an enchanted dagger and has become a ghost dedicated to tormenting dwarves. The Ent Elmantin put a protective ward spell around the Raghi lands to stop her annoying them.  She is undead and travels in the Gheist Flaches meaning although seen she cannot be injured with normal weapons. She can only appear in D/L 9”, DDL 18”, DDD 36” Will not go nearer than 6” to a torch or 12” a candle .

Ochone Ind, Mo 6”, Fa infinity, TI 4 TR3, SR 3, A & Ob Floats, (Me -1 -2 = -3 st -2)

Scream within 6” TI 5, 12” TI 4, 18” TI 3, 24” TI 2. Speaks Simnith 


Back to Starting Out In which Graf Silth deals with a dwarf patrol, some Wild and Voracious Wolves and fights a duel!

On to the Introduction to the Night Action and the Fields of the Raghi

On to the Night Action

On to the Action at the Fields of the Raghi


On to Starting Out In which Graf Silth deals with a dwarf patrol, someWild and Voracious Wolves and fights a duel! On to the Journal of Lady Ceiling in which she records the detail of the quest part 1
On to the Night Action On to Lady Ceiling's Journal Part 2
On to the Action at the Fields of the Raghi  
On to the Defeat of Bishop Borin and his Pursuit of Graf Silth On to Lady Ceiling's Journal Part 3
On to the Action at the Salubral Springs  
On to a side show in the Forest  
On to the action at Rupie Chase On to Lady Ceilings Journal Part 4
On to the the Butterfly Glade On to Lady Ceilings Journal Part 5
On to the Blasted wood On to Lady Ceilings Journal Part 6
On to Market Day at Lo-Li On to Lady Ceilings Journal Part 7
On to the S-Bend On to Lady Ceilings Journal Part 8
On to Wolf Glade On to Lady Ceiling's Journal Part 9

GM Info 2

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