The Hoodsville Heist

The Rules


Hoodsville Revised Quick Gangster Rules

by J.L.Mumford 2014


These were produced specially for public participation type games by greatly simplifying the Hoodsville Gangster Rules. Mainly use the D6 (six sided dice) or modifications of it.

Move Sequence 1) Move, 2) Speak, fire or fight, 3) Morale throws. 

Vehicle Movement (in built up areas)

Safe speeds: Straight 20", Obtuse corner 16", Right angle corner 10", acute corner 7", U turn 5"

reversing turn takes all of move, cross country 8" D6 bog on 1. (D6 need 5+ to un-bog, tow +1)

Speeding, D6 -1 per inch safe speed exceeded  1+ OK, -2+ skid 2" to side, to halt sideways on Crash if anything in way, -3- overturn, (3 needed to right) Vehicle save D6 4+ dented, 3- damaged speed halved. Occupants saving as normal below. 

Level Crossings -3” Trying to cross rails 6” speed, D6 5+ OK, 3+ -4, 2 stalled try again, 1 tyre burst only 3” moves in future. (5 rounds to replace a burst tyre.) Barrier smashing D6 4+ -3”, 2+ halted, 1 KO! 

Crash situations D6 + F Impact speed 0-4” +2, 4-8” +1, 8-12” 0, 12-16” -1, 16- 20” -2, 20- 24” -3…

For chance of evading  5+ evade, 3+ glancing blow +2 to persons saving throws, 2- full impact strike

 Vehicle save D6 +F  5+ just dented, 3+ damaged speed halved, 1+ wrecked -1 occupant save, 0- smashed & overturned -2 occupant save.

 Occupants D6 +F (pedestrians -1) saving 5+ unscathed, 4 groggy & morale test (MT), 3 paralysed immobile a move & MT, 2  lightly injured (LI) -1" move -1 melee or firing & MT if not bandaged D6 each move 1- extra -1 to move melee or firing, 1 stunned D6 each move needing 6 to recover to  groggy state & MT,  0 badly injured (BI) needs urgent bandaging then -2" move -2 melee & MT, -1 unconscious critically injured, -2- apparently dead.   

Movement rates marked on the character cards, men 4 > 7 (N 6”) inches, women 3>5.5 inches (N5”), running 1st double, 2nd  double -2” 3rd double -4”. heavy load -1 inch.  Two rounds Melee or speech per move.

Obstacles  shut door -1", window or low obstacle -2",stairs take 2.5" per floor level, bad CC  -1",  High Obstacles D6 + Obstacle (Ob) value,     

= 1- use 4" then abandon attempt, 2 fail try again next move, 3 take 4", 4 take 3", 5+ take 2".

Melees basic fighting strengths marked on card men -1>+2, women -3>0. 2 rounds per move

 Fighting is done throwing D6 +Me + any weapon or other Factors each in competition.

 Factors, full surprise +2, half surprise +1 height advantage +1, shaken -1, groggy -1, enraged +1, wound deductions (-1 to -3)     Numbers the mean of the Dice +2 for 2, 3 for 3 etc to one.     

 1+ wins unscathed, 0 drawn no advantage, -2+ Flinches, -4 + Staggers, -5- Downed.

Saving throws against blows D6 +strike

Piercing Weapons, knives +1, pistol bullets 0, rifle bullets -1, axes -2 etc

   Flinches 5+ superficial, 3+ lightly injured (LI) -1" move -1 melee or firing & MT if not bandaged D6 each move 1, extra -1 to move & melee , 2- screams badly injured -2" move -2 melee & MT improving 1 if bandaged.

   Staggers 5+ lightly injured (LI) -1" move -1 melee or firing & MT if not bandaged D6 each move 1, extra -1 to move & melee, 3+ screams badly injured  -2" move -2 melee & MT improving 1 if bandaged. 2- Dangerously injured -3" move -3 melee & MT (improves 1 if bandaged) D6 each move 2- collapse critically injured.

   Downed 5+screams badly injured  -2" move -2 melee & MT improving 1 if bandaged. 3+Dangerously injured  -3" move -3 melee & MT (improves 1 if bandaged) D6 each move 2- collapse critically injured. 2- apparently dead. 

Bludgeoning Weapons, fists 0, handbag  0, club -2, whip +1, brick -2, stone -1, pistol -1, shotgun -2

   Flinches 4+ superficial enraged +1 in melee, 3- hurt MT.

   Staggers 4+ hurt MT, 3- Lightly injured -1" move -1 to melee & MT, 

   Downed 4+Lightly injured -1" move -1 to melee & MT & -1 in melee to rise, 3- Stunned D6 each move needing 6 to recover to groggy a move & MT

Melees to Overpower,   trying to break free +1, hands 0, rope -1, sack -2

    Each character throws D6 +Me Factors & weapon & other Factors in competition.

  Factors, full surprise +2, half surprise +1, height advantage +1, shaken -1, groggy -1, enraged +1, wound deductions, hands tied -3, feet tied -2.

    Numbers mean of Dice +2 for 2, 3 for 3 etc to one.

    Results if trying to overpower  -1- failed, 0 still struggling, 1 still struggling but enraged +1 to next moves melee, 2+ still struggling but MT for opponent, 3+ overpower carry out act opponent screams & MT (gag or tie hands or force down drugged drink etc) 5+ overpower carry out act opponent silent but MT, 7+ carry out two acts & MT.  (unopposed +2). Results if trying to break free 0- still struggling or worse. plusses give the number of inches moved away from attacker.

Hearing Ranges   U = understood H = heard

Whispers U 2", H 4". Normal speech U 6", H 12". Shouts U 12", H24" Screams & shots H36".  

Firing rules  (noted on the cards)   It takes 1" of normal move to reload a new bullet.

Firing takes place after moving but opportunity shots at passing targets can be fired with an additional deduction of 1 from the hit chance, -2 if being meleed from less than 3". Decide snap or aimed.

Then dice for the number of shots fired during the move, (varying dice for different weapons).

Then dice for hits on pre-stated target D6 +F (good shots +1, poor shots -1) target behind light cover or prone-1, target behind heavy cover -2, target moved 3"+ -1, target moved 7"+   -2, firer moved 2"+ -1, firer ran -2. rested long gun +1 Coup de grace shot within 1” +1 Snap -2 to hit chance

Basic hits 3" 5+, 7" 6+, 12" 7+, 18" 8+, 25" 9+, 33” 10.

On achieving a hit, dice D6 (+2 if Coup de grace) 5+ Downed, 3+ Staggers, 2- Flinched.

The target player then throws a saving throw as under Piercing Weapons keeping secret the result if thought desirable.(Not from the Umpire!)

Firing Weapons  SSD = saving throw strike deduction

    J = Jammed , D6 5+ cleared fires next move, 3+ takes next move to unjam, 2- Useless.

Revolver,                 range 18"  SSD 0  Rounds fired Red Spot dice (1,1,1,2,2,3)  5 rounds

Selfloading Pistol   range 18"  SSD 0 Rounds fired  Blue spot dice (J,1,2,2,3,3)  8 rounds

Thompson SMG    range 25"  SSD 0  Rounds fired Black spot dice (J,3,6,9,12,15) 50 rounds

DB Shot gun  range 25"  SSD 3"-5, 8" -5, 16”-3, 22”-1, .  2 rounds fired per move

DB Derringer       range 9" SSD 0 2 rounds fired per move

When all rounds in weapon expended it takes 1" of the characters normal move rate to reload one round. Firing into Melees D6 each miss, 2- hit friend.  

Throwing Weapons  Simple hits are as for bludgeoning weapons HR= Half Range

the given Throwing ranges are modified by characters melee factor  FR= Full Range

Stone                     Range 10"  SSD -1  HR hits 4+, FR 5+.  {window breaking D6+SSD

Bottle                     Range  8" SSD 0  HR hits 4+,FR 5+         3+ breaks & enters

Half brick                Range 6" SSD +1 HR hits 5+, FR 6+        2 breaks but drops

Brick                      Range 3" SSD +2 HR hits 5+, FR 6+        1- bounces back 1"}

Molotov cocktail     Range 8" SSD 0    Vehicle hit HR smashes & sets fire 3+ FR 4+

Stick of dynamite* Range 8" SSD -1 D6 1 fails Blast weapon SSD 1”-2, 2"-1, 3" 0, 4" +1, 5" +2.

 * Anyone within 1" of exploding point can try to kick or throw away D6-3inches. For exploding point D6 (-1 FR)  5+ on spot, 3+ 0.75" away, 2- 1.5" away.

Use 6 sided dice with arrows on it for direction from aim point.

Morale Testing (MT)

Morale is thrown for when injured (as above), when an initial shooting is within 12" A scream from a non -enemy within 6", When a friend routes within 6", Friend seen surrendering or Leader gone

D6 + Factors Armed +1, each controlled comrade within 3" +1, Groggy -1, LI -1, BI -3

Each comrade downed  or surrendered within 6"-1.Each comrade seen apparently dead -1 during action.

Results as marked on back of card. C= Controlled, S= Shaken, P= Panicked T=Terrified,

Controlled means will do as player wishes Leaders +1

Shaken means will not move and is -1 in melee and firing hit chances for next move.

Panicked means stands screaming a move and dices for MT again for the next.

Terrified means will run to safety if able or cower down or surrender if not.  

Table drawn from    Vn= Veteran, Ex= Experienced, Nv= Novice

Vn Hero      C 1+, S -2+, T-3-   Ex C 2+, S-1+, P-2, T-3-.    Nv C 2+, S 1, P -1+, T -2-.                    

Vn Brave     C 2+, S-1+,  T-2-   Ex C 3+, S 0+, P-1, T -2-    Nv C 3+, S 2, P 0+, T -1-.

Vn Normal   C 3+, S 0+,  T-1-   Ex C 4+, S 1+, P 0, T-1-     Nv C 4+, S 3, P 1+, T 0-.

Vn Cautious C 4+, S 1+,  T 0-   Ex C 5+, S 2+, P 1, T 0-     Nv C 5+, S 4, P 2+, T 1-.

Vn Coward   C 5+, S 2+,  T 1-   Ex C 6+, S 3+, P 2, T 1-     Nv C 6+, S 5, P 3+, T 2-.



Forcing or breaching Doors padlocks etc: One attempt per move

Forcing means overcoming the locks, bolts or hinges on a door. Breaching means smashing a hole large enough to allow access. Each door thus has a forcing strength (FS) and a Breaching Strength (BS) the exceeding of either allows entry.

Locked Shed door type BS 4. FS small padlock 2, FS medium padlock 3, FS large padlock 4

+1 if other side from padlock.

Locked Windowed door BS 5. FS 4 plus 1 per extra lock or bolt.

Normal internal door BS 6. FS 4 plus 1 per extra lock or bolt.

Normal external door BS 7. FS 4 plus 1 per extra lock or bolt.

Metal reinforced door BS 8. FS 4 plus 1 per extra lock or bolt.

Hand Forcing with shoulder or foot, only possible if character has Melee +1 or more

D6 -1 -FS of door, = +! forced, 0 weakened -1 to FS, -3+ door holds, -4 hurts self unable to try again, -5- lightly wounds self -1" to move -1 to melee and firing unable to try again.

Tool Forcing with implement D6 +Tools Force Strike (TFS) -FS of door

= +1+ forced, 0 weakened -1 to FS, -3+ door holds, -4- tool broken.

Forcing Tool Factors, hammer -1, axe -1, fireaxe 0, screwdriver -1, jemmy +2, tyre lever +1

dagger -1, knife -2, sledgehammer 0.

Tool Breaching with implement D6 + Tools Break Strike (TBS) - BS of door

= +1+ breached, 0 weakened  -1 to FS, -3 door holds, -4- tool broken

Breach Tool Factors, Hammer 0, axe +1, Fireaxe +", jemmy 0 dagger -2, sledgehammer +2

Lock shooting dice as normal for number of aimed shots within 1" from lock

D10 +Round Strike RS) = 4+ lock disabled, 2+ lock weakened +1 next shot, 1- unaffected

Round strikes, Target -1, Parabellum 0, Magnum +1, rifle +2, shotgun +3

Money carried dicing For random amounts.

Poor civilians & PC's D6 -3 dollars, if not -$ D% cents.

Average civilians & Sergeants D6 -1 dollars, D% cents

Gangsters, Police Luitenants & middle class civilians D10 dollars D% cents

Gangster squad leaders & prosperous civilians 2xD10 dollars D% cents

Capo Gangsters & rich civilians 2xD10 dollars D% cents

Jumping out of Windows D6 thrown

Ground floor, 3+ move normal, 2 stumble deduct 2" from move, 1 stumble & stop

1st floor, 5+ -2 to move, 3+ stop, 2- sprain ankle stop & -2" to further moves

2nd floor, 5+ stop, 3+ sprain ankle stop & -2" to further moves, 2- break ankle & can

                only crawl at half move rate.

3rd floor, 5+ sprain ankle stop & -2" to further moves, 3+ break ankle stop & can only crawl

                at half move rate, 2- stunned and badly injured.

4th floor, 5+ break ankle stop & can crawl at half move rate, 3+ stunned & badly injured

                2- apparently dead.

Bribes D6 + Going Bribe Rate (GBR) – Factors Nasty -1, Illegal -2, Evil -3 Double Rate +1, Treble rate +2

Low Class GBR 2$, L. Working Class 4$, L. Professional 6$, U. professional 8$, Merchant 10$.

= 4+ Yes, 3 will if money raised a level, 2- No!

Charming D6 – Factors: Nasty -1, Illegal -2, Evil -3

= 4+ Yes, 2+ Dither another move 1- No!

Coercing D6- Factors: outnumbering 2+ to 1 +1, Nasty 0, Illegal -1, Evil -2, V Coward +2, V Cautious +1, V Brave -1, V Hero -2

= 4+ Yes 3 dither another move 2- No!


Quick Reference Sheet Two rounds firing or meleeing per move

Move Sequence 1) Move, 2) Speak, fire or fight round, 3) Morale throws. 4) second round speak fire or fight. 5) Morale throws.

Moves Men 6”, Women 5”, Running 1st double, 2nd double -2” 3rd double -4”. heavy load -1 inch. Bullion Crate two men 4” or one man dragging 2”.

Crossing railway –1”, crossing between two wagons -2”

Vehicles safe speeds, see card 18” or 20” straight right angled turn halved U turn or reversing quartered. Reverse 6”

Firing per round D6 for number of shots fired (snap or aimed) D10 for hit chances as listed. For each hit D6 adding missile strike = 5+ downed, 3+ staggered, 2- flinched. The victim then has a D6 saving dice. SSD = saving throw strike deduction

   Flinches 5+ superficial, 3+ Flesh wound -1" move -1 melee or firing & MT if not bandaged D6 each move 1, extra -1 to move & melee , 2- screams wounded -2" move -2 melee & MT, improving 1 if bandaged.

   Staggers 5+  Flesh wound -1" move -1 melee or firing & MT if not bandaged D6 each move 1, extra -1 to move & melee, 3+ screams wounded  -2" move -2 melee & MT improving 1 if bandaged. 2- crippled -3" move -3 melee & MT (improves 1 if bandaged) D6 each move 2- collapse critically injured.

   Downed 5+ screams wounded  -2" move -2 melee & MT improving 1 if bandaged. 3+ crippled -3" move -3 melee & MT (improves 1 if bandaged) D6 each move 2- collapse critically injured. 2- apparently dead. 

Spotting Pinkerton padlocks automatically seen within 4” unless moving 8” or more, must D6 4+ to spot. To force entry D6 pick lock 6, Jemmy 4+, placed  dynamite automatic but 5” D6 1 fails Blast weapon SSD 1”-2, 2"-1, 3" 0, 4" +1, 5" +2.


 Morale Test Results C= Controlled, S= Shaken, P= Panicked T=Terrified,

Controlled means will do as player wishes Leaders +1

Shaken means will not move and is -1 in melee and firing hit chances for next move.

Panicked means stands screaming a move and dices for MT again for the next.

Terrified means will run to safety if able or cower down or surrender if not.  

Table drawn from    Vn= Veteran, Ex= Experienced, Nv= Novice

Vn Hero      C 1+, S -2+, T-3-   Ex C 2+, S-1+, P-2, T-3-.    Nv C 2+, S 1, P -1+, T -2-.                    

Vn Brave     C 2+, S-1+,  T-2-   Ex C 3+, S 0+, P-1, T -2-    Nv C 3+, S 2, P 0+, T -1-.

Vn Normal   C 3+, S 0+,  T-1-   Ex C 4+, S 1+, P 0, T-1-     Nv C 4+, S 3, P 1+, T 0-.

Vn Cautious C 4+, S 1+,  T 0-   Ex C 5+, S 2+, P 1, T 0-     Nv C 5+, S 4, P 2+, T 1-.

Vn Coward   C 5+, S 2+,  T 1-   Ex C 6+, S 3+, P 2, T 1-     Nv C 6+, S 5, P 3+, T 2-.


The Player Parties

The Game Setup 

Umpire's Information

Chance and other cards

The Gangster Rules 

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