The Hoodsville Heist

The Parties Involved


The Cosa Nostra  (Mafia)

You are Carlo Macchetti Don of the Hoodsville Cosa Nostra a family (la Famiglia) based organisation dedicated to making a living at the expense of the Piccolezini. (the little people, the non-family members). Whilst of course you maintain your Family code of conduct whenever practicable, this does tend often to be at variance with that of the Law Courts. Fortunately due to the influence of the Bertram Corporation in Hoodsville, these are more understanding than elsewhere. Prohibition closed a lot of their Breweries and Distilleries and a lot of their workers now run your illegal ones! Many of the police are also in your pay but some are also hand in glove with your rivals, the Patate Verde (Green Potatoes) of the Murphy Gang. You have managed to plant (kill) both Patrick Murphy and his successor Ben O’Flaherty but they are still operating ‘Shebeen Catering’ speakeasies. These are in rivalry with your Recevemento Caterers. Off course you also have several other rackets. You have been trying not to attract too much publicity for fear of alarming the Bertram Corporation and attracting the attention of the FBI. However now has come a chance of a rewarding coup. In the middle of the night you have just had a phone call from Lennie the Lech. “I have some news for which I expect you to reward me. In the Hoodsville South marshalling yard, there is a four million dollars consignment of silver bullion for the Token Bank at this minute. The Acorn County Police escort for it will arrive at five am.”

 “Grazzi molto! I will pay you via the usual channels. A grande bonus should we profit from your news!” you replied. Four million smackers! You could retire to the Bahamas with your share of that! But time is short. You know that the Cleaver Burnett Railway puts big Pinkerton padlocks on wagons with precious cargoes, so it should be easy to find which one has the bullion in it. So you collect three of your men in a Moonlite Trucking Organisation van and head to the Hoodsville South marshalling Yard. There will be a security guard patrolling and another in their hut but they will probably run away. The City Police in the Dublin Road police Station will probably keep their heads down although a few will be out on patrol. One of these, Patricio Pavia is in your pay but it has not been possible to contact him. The marshalling yards are a no-mans land between your territory on the East side and the Murphy Gang territory to the West. They have their Shebeen Catering depot there which has bullet proof glass in its windows. You have the Betty Boop Dance Hall with its secret Hooch cellar. Plan A is to take the bullion there and then out via a secret passage out the back. If pursued however, Plan B is to leave the table by any of the roads off to go to another of your properties. It must be mentioned that some of the businesses bitterly resent paying their protection money.   


You have Leader (Capo) Carlo Macchetti, Hoodlums Cremo Gabia, Vito Ottenere, & Guido Dalnello with unconnected driver Hal Hayseed and two vehicles.

            Carlo Macchetti 41$

            L. Experienced Cautious Move 6”, Ob 0, Melee +1 SL T pistol= +1 save 0

No of shots 1     2     3     4     5     6 Hit?     5+   6+   7+   8+ Rds 8

Snap            1     1     2     2     3     3 Range  3”   7”   12”  18”  

Aimed         0     0     1     1     2     2 Strike   0     0     -1     -2

Can Drive,

Cremo Gabia 9$

Experienced Normal, Move 6”, Ob 0, Melee +1 Tommygun = +1 save -2

No of shots 1     2     3     4     5     6  Hit?     5+   6+   7+   9+  Rounds 50

Snap           Jam  1     3     5     8   12 Range  3”   8”   16”  22”

Aimed        Jam   0     1     2     3    4 Strike   2    2      1     0

Cannot drive Coercion +1

Vito Ottenere 3$

            Experienced Normal Move 6”, Ob 0, Melee +1 SL pistol= +1 save 0

No of shots 1     2     3     4     5     6 Hit?     5+   6+   7+   8+ Rds 8

Snap            1     1     2     2     3     3 Range  3”   7”   12”  18”  

Aimed         0     0     1     1     2     2 Strike   0     0     0     -1

Can Drive, Carries Jemmy

Guido Dalnello 9$

            Experienced Normal Move 6”, Ob 0, Melee +1 SL pistol= +1 save 0

No of shots 1     2     3     4     5     6 Hit?     5+   6+   7+   8+ Rds 8

Snap            1     1     2     2     3     3 Range  3”   7”   12”  18”  

Aimed         0     0     1     1     2     2 Strike   0     0     0     -1

Can Drive, Carries Lock Picks, stick of dynamite & lighter


Hal Hayseed used to drive decoy vehicle to the other side of the table.

Novice Normal Move 6”, Ob 0 Melee +1 club = 0 save +1 Hands Me 0

Can Drive 10$

Cosa Nostra Backup

Try not to let the other players know which faction you are!

You are Rosa Macchetti daughter of Carlo the Capo of the Hoodsville Cosa Nostra. In the middle of the night you hear him phoning his mistress Wanda Wrynska. Apparently he is going to steal silver bullion from the Hoodsville South Marshalling yard. Enough to buy him and her a big estate in the Bahamas! So he intends to leave you and your mother Fransesca if this coup comes off! You ring up your uncles Guiseppe and Tomaso Marrone, your mother’s brothers. They run a speakeasy on the east side. Whilst your father wanted to keep you away from the business, they taught you to fire a tommy gun.

Guiseppe says “We better keepa alla da money in famiglia Rosa. We come with you and see these bullion in the marshalling yard. It ees in between our Station Road with the Betty Boop Dance hall and i Patate Verde (green potatoes) of the Murphy Gang in Dublin Road. Their Shebeen Catering depot isa there. Who is knowing Capo Carlo might be glad of our help if they are on the prowl. We bringa an jemmy and a sticka da dynamite to open the wagon if we find it first. The Cleaver Burnett Railway puts grande Pinkerton padlocks on wagons with precious cargoes, so it should be facile to find which one hasa the bullion in it.(sighted at 4”) Oura Emilo Molti lives at the south end of Station Road (House 19) is good man! Might be useful!” So they pick you up in a hired Moonlite Trucking Organisation vehicle and you head off arriving at Hoodsville South at four o’clock in the morning.

You have Leader Guiseppe Marrone, Tomaso Marrone and Rosa Macchetti and one Moonlite Trucking Organisation vehicle. (Cards for which & entry point)

            Guiseppe 21$ can drive

            L. Experienced Brave Move 6”, Ob 0, Melee +1 SL pistol = +1 save 0

            No of shots 1   2   3   4   5   6  Hit?    5+  6+  7+   8+ Rounds 8

            Snap            1   1   2   2   3   3 Range 3”  8”   16”  22”

            Aimed         0   0   1   1   2   2 Strike  0    0      0    -1

            Carries stick of dynamite & lighter

            Tomaso 18$ can drive

            Experienced Brave Move 6”, Ob 0, Melee +1 SL pistol = +1 save 0

            No of shots 1   2   3   4   5   6  Hit?    5+  6+  7+   8+ Rounds 8

            Snap            1   1   2   2   3   3 Range 3”  8”   16”  22”

            Aimed         0   0   1   1   2   2 Strike  0    0      0    -1

            Carries a jemmy

            Rosa 9$ cannot drive. Has lock picks

Brave Novice, Move 5”, Ob -1, Melee -1 Tommygun = 0 save -1

No of shots 1     2     3     4     5     6  Hit?     5+   6+   7+   8+  Rounds 50

Snap           Jam  1     3     5     8   12 Range  3”   8”   16”  22”

Aimed        Jam   0     1     2     3    4 Strike   2    2      1     0 Charm +1 

Murphy Gang

Try not to give away which faction you are to the other players

You are Maeve Corrigan a former Cabaret Dancer and leader of the Murphy Gang. Your Shebeen Catering firm is in fierce competition with the Cosa Nostra Recevemento to provide hooch for the speakeasies and other criminal activities.  In the middle of the night you receive a phone call from Lennie the Lech, an old flame of yours. “Darling I have some interesting news. In the Hoodsville South marshalling yard, there is a four million dollars consignment of silver bullion for the Token Bank at this minute. The Acorn County Police escort for it will arrive at five am.” He then rings off, probably so as to tell the Cosa Nostra the same thing! You know that due to many of the Hoodsville City police being in either your or the Cosa Nostra pay, the Token bank prefers the Acorn County Police. You know that the Cleaver Burnett Railway puts big Pinkerton padlocks on wagons with precious cargoes, so it should be easy to find which one has the bullion in it.(4”) Time is short however so you collect three hoodlums in an MTO van and head for the Hoodsville South Marshalling yard. There will be a security guard patrolling and another in their hut but they will probably run away. The City Police from the Dublin Road police Station will probably keep their heads down although a few will be out on patrol. One of these, PC Pat Pavement is in your pay. The marshalling yards are a no-man’s land between your territory o

n the West side and the Cosa Nostra territory to the East. They have the Betty Boop Dance Hall with its bullet proof windows. You have the Shebeen Catering depot there which has an armed caretaker and a secret hooch cellar in it. Plan A is to take the bullion there and then via a secret passage out the back. If pursued however, Plan B is to leave the table by any of the roads off to go to another of your properties. Your Shadrach O’Murphy lives 2nd house in south end Dublin Road.


You have Leader Maeve Corrigan, Hoodlums Shamus O’Bannion, Vivian Kelly & Sean Mahoney with unconnected driver Bad Brad and two vehicles.

Maeve Corrigan 38$ can drive, has lock picks Charmer +1

L. Experienced Brave Move 5”, Ob -1, Melee -1 revolver = -1 save 0

No of shots 1     2     3     4     5     6 Hit?     5+   6+   7+   8+ Rds 5

Snap            1     1     2     2     3     3 Range  3”   7”   12”  18”  

Aimed         0     0     1     1     2     2 Strike   0     0     -1     -2

Shamus O’Bannion 2$

Veteran Normal, Move 6”, Ob 0, Melee +1 Tommygun = +1 save -2 Fists 0

No of shots 1     2     3     4     5     6  Hit?     5+   6+   7+   9+  Rounds 50

Snap           Jam  1     3     5     8   12 Range  3”   8”   16”  22”

Aimed        Jam   0     1     2     3    4 Strike   2    2      1     0

Vivian Kelly 8$ Can Drive. Carries Jemmy

Experienced Normal Move 6”, Ob -1, Melee +1 revolver = +1 save -1 Fist Me +1

No of shots 1     2     3     4     5     6 Hit?     5+   6+   7+   8+  Rounds 5 5

Snap            1     1     2     2     3     3 Range  3”   7”   12”  18”  

Aimed         0     0     1     1     2     2 Strike   +1   +1   0     -1

Sean Mahoney 10$ Can drive. Carries stick of dynamite & lighter.

Experienced Normal Move 6”, Ob -1, Melee +1 revolver = +1 save -1 Fist Me +1

No of shots 1     2     3     4     5     6 Hit?     5+   6+   7+   8+  Rounds 5 5

Snap            1     1     2     2     3     3 Range  3”   7”   12”  18”  

Aimed         0     0     1     1     2     2 Strike   +1   +1   0     -1

Bad Brad, used to drive decoy vehicle to the other side of the table.

Novice Brave Move 6”, Ob 0 Melee +1 club = 0 save +1 Hands Me 0

Can Drive 6$


Murphy Gang Backup

Try not to let the other players know which faction you are!

You are Dan O’Hara Murphy Gang head of smuggling high quality wines and spirits over the Canadian border. A dangerous occupation! It is the middle of the night and your sister Sinead has just rung up. She is landlady to Shamus O’Bannion and Vivian Kelly. The gang leader Maeve Corrigan has ordered them out to steal some silver Bullion from the Hoodsville South marshalling yard. They were talking about buying pubs the size of castles back in the old country so Sinead thinks Maeve and they intend to do a runner and keep the loot to themselves! You wake up your two confederates Paddy Waterford and Mick O’Shawnesy. “Maeve Corrigan is off to be robbing silver bullion from the marshalling yard and I’m thinking we should be giving her a hand. We would not want her and her pet bhoys to be leaving us without sharing the moolah. Who knows, the Cosa Nostra Wops may be there too and she might be glad of our help. They own the Betty Boop Dance Hall and all Station Road. We are having the Shebeen Catering depot and all Dublin Road t’other side of the tracks. Shadrach O’Murphy lives second house in at its south end and he might be useful. Time will be short before an escort arrives I am thinking but we should be there by four o’clock. The Cleaver Burnett Railway puts big Pinkerton padlocks on wagons with precious cargoes, so it should be easy to find which one has the bullion.(within 4”) We will be taking a jemmy and a stick of dynamite just in case.” You get into your hired Moonlite Trucking Organisation vehicle and head off.

 You have Dan O’Hara, Paddy Waterford and Mick O’Shawnesy and one Moonlite Trucking Organisation vehicle. (Cards for which & entry point)

            Dan 15$ can drive carries stick of dynamite & lighter

            L. Brave Normal Move 6”, Ob 0, Melee +1 SL pistol= +1 save 0

No of shots 1     2     3     4     5     6 Hit?     5+   6+   7+   8+ Rds 8

Snap            1     1     2     2     3     3 Range  3”   7”   12”  18”  

Aimed         0     0     1     1     2     2 Strike   0     0     0 

Paddy 6$ cannot drive

Experienced Normal, Move 6”, Ob 0, Melee +1 Tommygun = +1 save -2

No of shots 1     2     3     4     5     6  Hit?     5+   6+   7+   9+  Rounds 50

Snap           Jam  1     3     5     8   12 Range  3”   8”   16”  22”

Aimed        Jam   0     1     2     3    4 Strike   2    2      1     0 Coercion +1

Mick 3$ can drive

            Experienced Normal Move 6”, Ob 0, Melee +1 SL pistol= +1 save 0

No of shots 1     2     3     4     5     6 Hit?     5+   6+   7+   8+ Rds 8

Snap            1     1     2     2     3     3 Range  3”   7”   12”  18”  

Aimed         0     0     1     1     2     2 Strike   0     0     0     -1 Carries Jemmy


Vigilantes PES (The secret Peace Enforcement Squad)

You are Hugh Coghren head of the PES a militant branch of the Society for the Protection of Public Standards (SPPS). In the middle of the night Mr Joe Fiberwitz Editor of the Hoodsville Clarion, rang you up. He is a member of the SPPS who oppose the hoodlums and the powerful Bertram Corporation who support them. The Bertram Corporation runs their propaganda newspaper, the Hoodsville Town Bugle, the Clarion’s main competitor. Joe tells you “Lennie the Lech tells me that at the Hoodsville South marshalling yard, there is a consignment of four million dollars in silver bullion and the hoods are after it. The Acorn County Police escort arrives at five am!”

Doubtless Lennie will have also told the hoodlums who will try for the bullion. Thus this may be an opportunity to catch some of them in action. They are often disguised as policemen and some of the police are in their pay. Too often hoodlums taken by the police have escaped or received trivial sentences from the bent courts. Hence your unofficial motto is ‘Make sure they are dead!’ if you do catch sight of them. Your members have all studied photographs of the main Hoodlums. Most are either the Italian Cosa Nostra or the Irish Murphy Gang so the plan is when firing, to pretend to belong to the others. Game points will be gained mostly from killing hoodlums, lesser points for wounding, assisting in their capture, promoting the rivalry between them and thwarting their plans. One of the policemen PC Earnest Wilberforce based on the Dublin Road Station is a SPPS supporter. You also have supporters Reginald Hambridge, Judith Folwitz and Louisa Maul living in Station Road who may strike against the hoodlums.   


You have Hugh Coghren, Janet Burnet, Mark Huntly and Douglas Gladwin with two MTO vehicles.

            Hugh Coghren 13$ can drive

            L. Experienced Brave Move 6”, Ob 0, Melee +1 SL pistol= +1 save 0

No of shots 1     2      3     4     5     6 Hit?     5+   6+   7+   8+ Rds 8 8

Snap            1     1     2     2     3     3 Range  3”   7”   12”  18”  

Aimed         0     0     1     1     2     2 Strike   0     0     0     -1

            Janet Burnet 27$ can drive Charmer +1

Experienced Normal Mo 5”, Ob 0, Melee -1 pump shotgun = -1 save -1

No of shots 1    2     3     4     5     6 Hit?     5+   6+   7+   8+  Rounds 6 6

Snap            1     2     3     4     5     6 Range  3”   8”   16”  22”

Aimed         0     1     2     2     3     3 Strike   5    5      3     1

Can drive Charmer +1

Mark Huntly 19$ can drive

Novice Normal Mo 6”, Ob 0, Melee 0 pump shotgun = 0 save -1

No of shots 1     2     3     4     5     6 Hit?     5+   6+   7+   8+  Rounds 6 6

Snap            1     2     3     4     5     6 Range  3”   8”   16”  22”

Aimed         0     1     2     2     3     3 Strike   5    5      3     1

Douglas Gladwin 12$ can drive

            Novice Brave Move 6”, Ob 0, Melee +1 2x SL pistols= +1 save 0

No of shots 1     2      3     4     5     6 Hit?     5+   6+   7+   8+ Rds 8 8

Snap            1     1     2     2     3     3 Range  3”   7”   12”  18”  

Aimed         0     0     1     1     2     2 Strike   0     0     0     -1

Inspector Wyatt Less of the Hoodsville City Police

You have been set up by your boss Chief Superintendent Hampton, to be the fall guy for the police failures to deal with the hoodlums infesting Hoodsville. They are backed by the Bertram Corporation who had many breweries and distilleries before prohibition. Nevertheless you are determined to fight the criminals as best you can. In the middle of the night Mr Joe Fiberwitz Editor of the Hoodsville Clarion, rang you up. He tells you “Lennie the Lech says, that at the Hoodsville South marshalling yard, there is a consignment of four million dollars in silver bullion and the hoods are after it! The Acorn County Police escort arrives at five am.”

You responded “Thank you, I will go there at once!” He answered, “I am sending Reporter Amanda Kaye and her cameraman to cover the story. Try not to shoot them!”

So you summon your incorruptible team and head of in your MTO under-cover van. MTO = Moonlite Transport Organisation which hires and rehires out vehicles. The gangsters also find this a convenient service. The Token Bank prefers to use the Acorn County Police because they are far less riddled with corruption than your Hoodsville City Police. The local police based in the Dublin Road police station may be unreliable but they will obey any direct order from you, as long as you are within sight. (You hope!) There will be a couple of Railway security guards plus one in the Token Bank who might be useful.

 You Have Inspector Wyatt Less, Detective Sergeant Will Green, Sergeant John Polish, Constable Darrel McTear and civilian driver Hubert Folding. He will drive his vehicle to abandon on it blocking a road. 1st aid kit in Wyatt’s van.

            Inspector Wyatt Less 25$ can drive has handcuffs

            L. Experienced Brave Move 6”, Ob 0, Melee +1 L revolver = +1 save 0

No of shots 1     2     3     4     5     6 Hit?     5+   6+   7+   8+ Rds 5

Snap            1     1     2     2     3     3 Range  3”   7”   12”  18”  

Aimed         0     0     1     1     2     2 Strike   0     0     -1     -2

D. Sergeant Will Green 33$ can drive has handcuffs

Veteran Cautious Move 6, Ob 0, Melee +2 revolver = +2 save 0

No of shots 1     2     3     4     5     6 Hit?     5+   6+   7+   8+ Rds 5 5

Snap            1     1     2     2     3     3 Range  3”   7”   12”  18”  

Aimed         0     0     1     1     2     2 Strike   +1  +1     0     -1

Sergeant Josh Blackett 9$ Coercion +1 has handcuffs

Experienced Normal, Move 6”, Ob 0, Melee +1 Tommygun = +1 save -2

No of shots 1     2     3     4     5     6  Hit?     5+   6+   7+   9+  Rounds 50

Snap           Jam  1     3     5     8   12 Range  3”   8”   16”  22”

Aimed        Jam   0     1     2     3    4 Strike   2    2      1     0

Darrel McTear 17$ can drive, has handcuffs

Veteran Cautious Move 6, Ob 0, Melee 0 revolver = 0 save 0

No of shots 1     2     3     4     5     6 Hit?     5+   6+   7+   8+ Rds 5 5

Snap            1     1     2     2     3     3 Range  3”   7”   12”  18”  

Aimed         0     0     1     1     2     2 Strike   +1  +1     0     -1

Hubert Folding 19$ can drive

Novice Brave Normal Move 6”, Ob 0 Melee 0 fists = 0 save +2 


The Player Parties

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