Games Master's Brief

Handstones 3" 5+ St -5 Dropped from heights -1 per 4" hit chance but +1 to strike per 2" vertical.

Heavy H.stones 1" 6+ st -3 Dropped from heights -1 per 4" hit chance but +1 to strike per 2" vertical.

Random valuables for the Allied Guards are trebled.

Spotting concealed persons or creatures

D6 or MD used, distances can be varied or ignored at the Games Master's discretion.

Light Concealment (LC), means behind folds in the ground, partly hidden by tree trunks or rocks.

Hidden (Hi), is concealed behind substantial bushes, rocks or buildings.

Well Hidden (WH), is concealed in long prepared hides in dense bushes or buildings (loopholes).

Keen sighted relates to elves long sight or +2 tracking experts.

For a moving party only one dice is thrown per move relating to the nearest or most likely observer. Once any of a group of persons or creatures has been spotted, others of the party alerted by the observer may dice individually to also spot adding one to their dice. (Most likely so as to fire.) If spotted creatures move position for a better concealment position, throw as for furtive movement.

D6 +F = table chance of spotting.  F= Observers moving cautiously (Mo -2") +1, Observer keen sighted +1, Observers moving 8"+ -1, Observers mounted -1, Observers Hvy or plate armoured -1, Alerted +1, Concealed creatures making moderate noise +1. Loud noise +2. Creating a flame or light automatically reveals a hidden position. Ranges in brackets only involved at GM's discretion.

Spotting Table D6 + F  2" 6" 12" 24"
Lightly Concealed  2+ 4+ 6+ 8+
LC Furtive movement       1+ 3+ 5+ 7+
LC Firing missiles 0+ 2+ 4+ 6+
Hidden     3+ 5+ 7+ 9+
Hi Furtive movement 





Hi Firing missiles   

1+ 3+ 5+ 7+
Well Hidden     4+ 6+ 8+ 10+
WH Furtive movement   3+ 5+ 7+ 9+
WH Firing missiles 2+ 4+ 6+ 8+

Games Masters Plan

Start Allies D10 gives hands unbound, Each Move MD alternately Allies  & Alpenii, 6 = 2 5 =1 hands unbound 4- none. Bound hands moves -1", run -3", obs

GM D6 or MD = 1 & 6 1st mens polk 2-5 other polks in sequence. Keep tally & dice for who when needed. This will only be when the prisoners are halted for any reason When figure picked D10 -1 if female = 8+ escapist will run immediately,  5+ Helper will free others 2 per move but D10 caught on 2-,  2+ will run when 3+ others do, 1- will run only if no guards within 6".

Hoddy Pypin misses by 1 or 2, hits nearest other st -4. Melee D10 1- hits friend with sword strike -4.

Berylind Elek Bertin's wife is one of the 8 females in Polk 2, dice for which.

Amazons will try to rescue females if opportunity arises, at the GM's discretion.

me_resc_umpmap.jpg (182548 bytes)  Umpire's map - click

1.        Road, entry point for Allied forces & prisoners.

2.        Sword bushes, give cuts and tear the clothes to any entering them. Women TI3

3.        Crag Man woman & boy hiding, will run towards forest 9 to escape Move 1.

Man Fol Mo 6", Fa 6/12, TR -1, SR +0 D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.4, Me 0 -2 = -2

Woman Fol Mo 5", Fa 5/10, TR -2, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W -2, A 0, Ob 0.9, Me -2 -2 = -4

Boy Fol Mo 5", Fa 4/8, TR -1, SR +0 D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.1, Me -3 -2 = -5 

4.        Tangle grass BCC -1" any running D10 2- trip & fall st-5

5.        Old Ruin. Any entering D10 +A = 2- floor collapse, fall down into cellar strike -4.

6.        Pile of hand stones

7.        Cave. Used by Alpenii but bedding & bones indicate previous ogre occupation

8.        Low wall

9.        Firs

10.     firs, log

11.     Standing stone marking Amazon territory

12.     Thorn Poplars Paraka & 5 sword Amazons  

Paraka Off Mo 6", Fa 5/10, TR +3, SR + 1, D-5, C-4, W -3, A +1, Ob 1.2, Me +1-1 = 0 st +2, ShP 7+ strength 4. Speaks Amazon, Kharsh                                                                                                

Amazons Fol Mo 6", Fa 4/8, TR +1, SR + 0, D-5, C-4, W -3, A 0, Ob 1.0, Me +0 +0,

ShP 7+ strength 4, Speak Amazon.

13.     2 live Tangle Trees. Will grab & try to crush any within 3" of trunk. (Surprise ?)

Fa 20/40 TR 10, SR 2, D -7, C -5, W -3, 3W = C, 3C = D

Me +5 +0 = +5 st -2   Fire Terror 8

14.     Amazon Bridge

15.     Thorn Poplars 3 Amazon archers. Fol Mo 6", Fa 4/8, TR 0, SR + 0, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +1, Ob 1.3, Me -1 -1 = -2 dagger st 0,  Selfbow 5" 5+ 10" 6+, 15" 7+, 20" 8+, St -4 quiver of 12 arrows

16.     Bushes, Moves Half Mo rate -1". 0.5" lanes cut 1" per move, sword or axe, 0.5" mace or dagger.

17.     Cave

18.     Bushes, Moves Half Mo rate -1". 0.5" lanes cut 1" per move, sword or axe, 0.5" mace or dagger.

Shrub Adders within 1" MD  = 2- bitten, D6 each move 2- unconscious, then 2- coma, then 2- dead or 6 recover to unconscious, then 2- relapse 6 improve to dazed, dazed needs 5+ to normal.

19.     Sword bushes, give cuts and tear the clothes to any entering them. Women TI3

20.     Sword bushes, give cuts and tear the clothes to any entering them. Women TI3

21.     Cave on crag Croppoc giant youth, Throws stones at prisoners. Pile of 26 handstones 

Ind Mo 7", Fa 6/12, TI 2, TR +2, SR +0 D-5, C-4, W -3, A +2, Ob 1.9,

       Me +3 -2 = +1 st -2 fists thrown stones 4" 4+ st -3, 9" 5+ st -4. Speaks kharsh

22.     Crag

23.     Bushes, Moves Half Mo rate -1". 0.5" lanes cut 1" per move, sword or axe, 0.5" mace or dagger.

24.     1" Pit trap across road. MD hvies -1, 5+ trap spotted in time otherwise leaders fall in, st -4.

25.     Bibble's Refreshments Temptation LR 2 7+ to resist, Bibble, 3 swordsmen & Zitskin the giant

Off Mo 6", Fa 6/12, TR +0, SR + 2, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +1, Ob 1.1, Me -1 -1 = -2 dagger st 0.

Zitskin Fol Mo 7", Fa 6/12, TR +4, SR 0, D-5, C-4, W -3, A +1, Ob 1.9, Me +5 -1 = +4 st +4

3 swordsmen Fol Mo 6", Fa 6/12, TR 1, SR 0, D -4, C -3, W -2 A +1, Ob 1.3 Me 0 + 0 = 0 st 0.

26.     Rozadura Thorn thicket. Can be cut at 1"x 0.5" per move rate otherwise impassable.

27.     Sorrow Bridge Standing stone marking Porcian Border.

28.     Bushes, Moves Half Mo rate -1". 0.5" lanes cut 1" per move, sword or axe, 0.5" mace or dagger.        Canoe concealed amongst them. 2 paddlers Mo3", 3 paddlers Mo4", 4 paddlers Mo5"

29.     Rushes, Half Mo -1" D10 light 1-, med 2-, hvy 3-, plate 4- stuck a move.

30.     Deep River current 1".

31.     Apple trees D10 3+ not to stop and pick a move.    

32.     Ruined house

33.     Low wall & coney bushes. Hilgi Ogre giantess hiding  will slay nearest & carry off to eat

Ind, Mo 8", Fa 7/14, TI 4, TR +2, SR + 0, D-5, C-4, W -3, A +2, Ob 1.4,

Me +5 -1 = +4 Cleaver strike +4 Speaks kharsh (P)

34.     Scree, Hilgi will escape this way. Scree moves -3" D10 +A +1 ascending each move, = 3+ OK, 1+

slip down D6 5+ 1" 3+ 3", 2- to bottom, 0- slip down strike -4 down D6 5+ 1" 3+ 3", 2- to bottom.

35.     Ruined House

36.     Bushes, Moves Half Mo rate -1". 0.5" lanes cut 1" per move, sword or axe, 0.5" mace or dagger.

37.     Bushes, Moves Half Mo rate -1". 0.5" lanes cut 1" per move, sword or axe, 0.5" mace or dagger.

38.     Ford 1" deducted crossing. stream current 1.5"

39.     Bushes, Moves Half Mo rate -1". 0.5" lanes cut 1" per move, sword or axe, 0.5" mace or dagger.

40.     Tangle grass BCC -1" any running D10 2- trip & fall st-5

41.     Bushes, Moves Half Mo rate -1". 0.5" lanes cut 1" per move, sword or axe, 0.5" mace or dagger.

Shrub Adders within 1" MD  = 2- bitten, D6 each move 2- unconscious, then 2- coma, then 2- dead or 6 recover to unconscious, then 2- relapse 6 improve to dazed, dazed needs 5+ to normal.

42.     Scree moves -3" D10 +A +1 ascending each move, = 3+ OK, 1+ slip down D6 5+ 1" 3+ 3", 2- to   

 Bottom, 0- slip down strike -4 down D6 5+ 1" 3+ 3", 2- to bottom.

43.     Sel Globbingh priest of Lith. Demands a sacrifice for safe passage. Can call Kraag stone demon

Sel Off Mo 6", Fa 6/12, TR +4, SR + 4, D-4, C-3, W -2, A 0, Ob 1.0, Me -1-1 = -2 dagger st 0

Speaks Kharsh, Kazid, Norse. Reads Runes. 4 MPU per move.

Spells: Telepath Kraag, Breaching Bolt, Cling, Levitate, Earth Tremor, Inflict Vertigo.

Kraag Fol Mo8", Fa 10/20, TI 6, TR 8, SR 0, D-7, C -6, W -5, A -2, Ob 2.2 Climber +3.   

44.     1" Pit trap MD hvies -1, 5+ trap spotted in time otherwise leaders fall in, st -4.

45.     Cave entrance to Goblin tunnel network. Grimace & 3 Hobgoblins on guard, 1 with H handstones.

Grimace Off Mo 6", Fa 6/12, TI 2, TR +3, SR 0, D-5, C-4, W -3, A 0, Ob 1.3,

Me +3 -2 = +1 2h mace St +4. Fransisca 4" 5+ st -2

3x Hobgoblins Ind Mo 5", Fa 5/10, TR +2, SR -1, D-4, C-3, W -2, A -2, Ob 0.8,

Me +1 -1 = 0 sawaxe st +2  H. Handstones 2" 7+ st -2.

46.     Bushes, Moves Half Mo rate -1". 0.5" lanes cut 1" per move, sword or axe, 0.5" mace or dagger.

Calf Biter snake MD 5+ seen first, 3+ hides a move, 2- bites calf st -4 = if wound or more Mo -1"

47.     Cave 3 Bandits Fol Mo 6", Fa 6/12, TR +1, SR + 0, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.3,

Me +1 -1 = 0 axe st +2. Speak Kharsh attack weaker strengths.

48.     Dead wood Buzzing heard, Soldier Bees D10 -5 swarms per move up to 12. Bees & victims get strikes at one another each round. Victim A +D10 -5 = swarms killed, Swarm D10 -6 = stings

Each 3 stings = -1" move, -1 melee, -1 missiles, -1 spells. To recover each 3 moves D6 5+ improve  

49.           Marsh, -1" per 1" & D6 (+1 if roped)

= 3+ OK 2- submerged. Submerged dicing D6 +F Marsh -1, Plate or Heavy -2, Medium -1, Shield -1, Roped +2, Demoralised -1, Unclothed +1, Laden -1, floundering -1= 1- drowned, 2 floundering, 3 Recover losing hand held items, 4 Recover OK in same place, 5 Recover forward 1", 6 Recover forward 2".

50.     Cave Amabel herbalist & healer. has antidote to Shrub Adder bites +3 to dicing. Has bandages and dressings plus herbal disease cures.

Amabel Ind Mo 5", Fa 5/10, TR 1, SR 3, D-4, C-3, W -2, A 0, Ob 0.9, Me -2 -1 = -3 knife st -1.

1MPU per move. Spells: Charm Beast, Ease Pain, Reshape Flesh.  Porcian Passport! 

51.     Cave Wild Boar Neuserk 2", Mo 6" Fa 5/10, TI 2, TR 2, SR -1, D -4, D-3, D -2, A 0, Ob 1.0

Me +2 -1 = +1 st -2

52.     Crag, Flying Panther Bea F Mo 12" (8" laden) Fa 7/14, TI 3, TR4, SR -1, D-5, C-4, W -3 A +2,

Me +4 -1+2 (Swoop) = +5 Teeth st -1. Will attack & carry off prey to eat elsewhere.

53.     Crag place where Flying Panther will eat its prey

54.     Bushes Moves Half Mo rate -1". 0.5" lanes cut 1" per move, sword or axe, 0.5" mace or dagger.

Shrub Adders within 1" MD  = 2- bitten, D6 each move 2- unconscious, then 2- coma, then 2- dead or 6 recover to unconscious, then 2- relapse 6 improve to dazed, dazed needs 5+ to normal

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