Fall of Britannia

The Romano-British

Following the withdrawal of the Roman Army the vestiges of the old Roman ways remained in some of the successor kingdoms while others followed their own ways.  I have followed this with representative forces of largely Christian Romanised soldiers and also warbands of partly and non-Romanised warriors. 

Of course there is an "Arthur" and a "Mordred".  They are represented by converted Warlord Games figures and their banners come from scans of the "Salute 06 Special Set".  I have used scans because I needed 2 identical copies of each and to fit them to my figures. 


Arthur and his banner bearer

Mordred and banner bearer (head swap to a Roman cavalry sports helmet is homage to the film "Excalibur").  The dismounted version may lose his spear for a sword as the figure is unstable.

Some characters

The Gripping Beast Late Roman Infantry sets provide most og the Romano British.  The first two Regiments are based on the contemporary Byzantine model with an armoured front rank, archers in the second rank and unarmoured spearmen in the third rank.  These represent the highly Romanised troops of the king's field army

A regiment composed of Sagittarii (archers)

Two warbands of less Romaised soldiers

A warlord with his two Scorpions (the scorpions are metal from my bits box and the crew are converted archers)

Another British warlord that I will be using as a king.  Both are conversions of Warlord Games figures.

The King's Standard Bearer

Sir Sagramor - again Warlord Games figures with a plastic and a Lamming head.

Sir Sagramor's Standard bearer converted figures

A couple of old Citadel fantasy figures mounted on Warlord Games Horses.  Not quite "period" but one will be the "Green Knight" and the other the "Black Knight".

Warlord Games knights with head swaps and cloaks added to make the figures match mounted and dismounted as close as possible



Dark Age Village

Romano British

Saxon Warbands

Generic figures

Battle of the Sacred Red Thorn

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