Nobody knows where these aberrations of nature came from.  Some say that they are mutants, some that they are alien creatures, others that they are creatures from another dimension and still other say that they are the creatures of nightmares released by the Old Gods, the new Gods, Mother Nature or psychic energy as a punishment on humanity for poluting the Earth as their conspiracy thories and cult views lead them.  The Authorities are secretive about the creatures and plants. 




After the Incident, rats fed on corpses of the dead and the infected.  Some changed in size and ferocity. 


Exp:  TI  Wnds:  1

Mov: 6” Combat:  4          Armr Rating   2  Will 4

Teeth & Claws   Range:  M            FP: 1      Dam: 0



After the Incident, ants fed on corpses of the dead and the infected.  Some changed in size and ferocity.  No matter how many bases these swarms must be in base-to-base contact.  The bases are not killed in melee but are dispersed and removed.  Fire and chemical sprays are very effective in driving them off and even killing them.


Exp:  TI  Wnds:  1

Mov: 4” Combat:  2          Armr Rating   2  Will 6

Teeth & Claws   Range:  M            FP: 1      Dam: 0



The pet dogs that survived have interbred and mutated to a degree to become dangerous pack hunters.


Exp: TI  Wnds:  1

Mov: 8” Combat: 4    Armr Rating  2  Will  4

Teeth & Claws   Range:  M            FP: 1      Dam: 0




These creatures appear as decaying humanoids.  They are infected with a disease that eats away at their flesh and affects their brains turning them into slow cannibalistic creatures.  They are difficult to kill as their bodies do not appear to suffer pain or be affected by wounds.  They are attracted to noise.

Exp:  2  Wnds:  1

Mov: 4”   Combat:  4       Armr Rating  6  Will N/A

Teeth & Claws   Range:  M            FP: 1      Dam: 0



Some, very few in fact, of my zombies are armed with firearms.  They are usually seen in the remains of their army or police uniforms.  They may fire at a target within 12” if they roll 5,6 on a d6.  Combat ability with firearms -2 to hit.  Cannot clear jams. 


Exp:  2  Wnds:  1

Mov: 4”   Combat:  4(shooting 2)  Armr Rating  6  Will N/A

Teeth & Claws   Range:  M            FP: 1      Dam: 0




So far these strange humanoids have only been encountered as solitary creatures.  They are radioactive and may be the last remnants of the workers from Haylsham.  The radiation poisoning has turned their flesh glowing green and has affected their brains.  They try to get close to humans as if to talk to them but their radioactivity is dangerous.  Crew within 4” should immediately move to evade or place an obstacle between them ad the Rad Zombie.  At the start of the next turn, any model in the open within 3” takes a Dam 2 Attack if in base-to-base contact takes a Dam3 Attack.  Applies to Zone Hostiles as well. They will use all their actions to move to nearest cover.
They are difficult to kill as their bodies do not appear to suffer pain or be affected by wounds.  They are attracted to noise.


Exp:  2  Wnds:  1

Mov: 4” Combat:  4          Armr Rating  6  Will N/A

Teeth & Claws   Range:  M            FP: 1      Dam: 0





Degenerate humans that fed of the contaminated corpses of their fellow citizens.  They may be armed with hand weapons and a few firearms though they are not trained in their use so -1 to hit and max range is half that of the normal weapon. 


Exp: TI                  Wnds:  1

Mov: 7” Combat:  5  Armr Rating  4 Will 6

Big Teeth & Claws Range: M  FP: 1            Dam: 1







Exp:  TI  Wnds:  1

Mov: 6” Combat:  4-6      Armr Rating   4-6              Will 4-5

Big Teeth & Claws Range:             M            FP: 1      Dam: 1







Exp:  TI  Wnds:  1

Mov: 6” Combat:  5-7      Armr Rating   5-7              Will 6-7

Very Big Teeth & Claws Range: M              FP: 1      Dam: 2



Some sort of mutant dog it is believed.  These vicious creatures will attack on sight.


Exp: 2    Wnds:  1

Mov: 8” Combat:  5  Armr 4 Will 4

Big Teeth & Claws Range: M  FP: 2            Dam: 1



Of unknown origin these mollusc like creatures are slow on land but amazingly fast in water, wet or swampy ground.  They are always found in swarms (usually D3+3).


Exp: 1                    Wnds:  1

Mov: 3” Combat:  5  Armr  4 Will 4

Big Teeth & Claws Range: M  FP: 1            Dam: 1



Known for its call that sounds like a human female laughing or calling in distress and so often lure the unwary into an ambush.  Usually found in small packs of D3+1


Exp: 2       Wnds:  1
Mov: 8”   Combat:  5  Armr 4 Will 5
Teeth & Claws: M  FP: 1  Dam: 0
Bloodsucker holds on to victim d3 turns
Lures victims with an almost human laugh.  Will test not to investigate


Usually found in beds of several clams, mainly in or near the edge of rivers or pools of water.


Exp: 1 Wnds:  1 Mov: 1”   Combat:  5  Armr 4 Will 4
BI-VALVE: M  FP: 1     Dam: 0
If Clam wins then victim trapped and suffers -2 melee penalty.


Attacks anything edible.  May hide part buried relying on vibrations to alert it.  It is stupid and vicious


Exp: 2  Wnds: 2 Mov: 9”   Combat:  4  Armr 6 Will 4. 

SPECIAL - It can leap 3” if it moves 6” and has FP 4 Damage 0
V Big Teeth Claw: M, FP: 2, Dam: 2
Ignores first pin marker.



These creatures are primitive humanoid amphibians.  They live near water – rivers, ponds, lakes, swamps but can be found as foraging parties.  They have been known to eat human flesh.


Exp: 2    Wnds:  1

Mov: 5” Swim 4” Combat:  5  Armr 3 Will 4

Space: M  FP: 1                  Dam: 0

Supposed to have some sort of telepathic communication with other Phibogs


PHIBOG LEADER  Phibrog leader

These creatures are primitive humanoid amphibians.  They live near water – rivers, ponds, lakes, swamps but can be found as foraging parties.  They have been known to eat human flesh.


Exp: 2    Wnds:  1

Mov: 5” Swim 4” Combat:  5  Armr 4 Will 6

Mace  Range: M  FP: 1    Dam: 1

Supposed to have some sort of telepathic communication with other Phibogs




An escaped Amazonian Anaconda. 


Exp: 2                    Wnds:  1

Mov: 4” Combat:  5  Armr 4 Will 6 Teeth & Claws Range: M  FP: 1                  Dam: 0

Crush: Range M  FP 1 Dam 1


ASH HOWLER Rorebiter

Of unknown origin these fast and dangerous creatures fortunately are only encountered in small family groups. 


Exp: 2  Wnds: 1 Mov: 8”   Combat:  5  Armr 4 Will 6
Very Big Teeth & Claws Range: M  FP: 1 Dam: 2
Roar: Expend action to roar.  All in roar (flame type) template take pin marker if they fail Will test -1

ZONE RAPTOR  Zone Raptor

As far as can be determined these are, to all intents and purposes, dinosaurs.  Very much like the velociraptors of the film Jurassic Park.  They hunt in packs of D3+2


Exp: 3                   Wnds:  1

Mov: 9” Combat:  5  Armr 4 Will 4Teeth & Claws Range: M  FP: 2  Dam: 0



A giant mutant centipede that generally feeds on dead things though it will attack live creatures to kill them and leave the corpse for later.


Move 5”, Actions 2, Armour vs ranged 4, against melee 2, Combat 4, Madibles FP 2 Damage +2, Tentacles range M-2” FP2 Damage 0 (poisoned strike needs additional med kit if target wounded).


Though called “Freaks” they are humans who have, apparently, physically changed to resemble Neanderthals and behaviourally degenerated.    They will always try to capture females. 


Exp: 2 Wnds: 1

Move: 7” Combat: 5;  Armr Rating : 4  Will: 6

Teeth & Claws   Range:  M            FP: 1      Dam: 0

Excrement: Range M to 12”   FP: 1            Dam: 0 + Stink

Agile:  Freaks suffer no movement penalty when climbing.

Excrement marking:  Freaks mark potential mobile food sources by hurling their excrement at their targets.  Although no physical damage is recorded by being hit with “Freak Poop”; the target gains D6 stink levels each time that they are hit.  This is a cumulative effect.  Freaks must always attack the model with the highest stink rating as a matter of priority. When two (or more) models have the same stink rating the closest is chosen.


The Simians are escaped chimpanzees that have been mutated by their contact with the Zone.  It is believed that their intelligence has increased and they are now able to communicate and use hand weapons.


Exp: 2 Wnds: 1

Move: 7” Combat: 5;  Armr Rating : 4  Will: 6

Teeth & Claws   Range:  M            FP: 1      Dam: 0

Handweapons : Range: M  FP: 1 Dam: 1


Nobody is quite sure how to classify the creatures called Brimstonites.  Their name comes from the sulphur pools and geothermics of the region around where they live.  They appear to be winged humanoids and though small in stature they are strong but lightly built. 


Exp: 2 Wnds: 1

Move: foot 5” fly 18” Combat: 5;  Armr Rating : 3  Will: 6

Teeth & Claws   Range:  M            FP: 1      Dam: 0

Sword: Range: M  FP: 1 Dam: 2

Trident: range M  FP: 1 Dam 1


Leader: foot 5” fly 18” Combat: 5;  Armr Rating : 3  Will: 6

Teeth & Claws   Range:  M            FP: 1      Dam: 0

Mace: Range: M  FP: 2 Dam: 2





Not strictly a worm this large creature lurks underground creating tunnels as it travels.  It is a voracious creature with a seemingly insatiable appetite for flesh of any sort.  It attacks by suddenly appearing under or beside its prey.  The prey may attempt to evade by taking a Will test.  Success and they escape.  Fail and they fall into the gaping maw of the creature which immediately retreats.  If the creature is killed immediately the victim falls into its mouth then it is possible to cut them free.


Exp: 2   Wnds 3

Mo:  surface 4” underground 6”  Combat: 6;  Armr Rating : 5  Will: 4

Teeth:  Range: M  FP: 2 Dam: 2


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ZONA SANTA - a Christmas Game