Battle of Folga

The Civil War drags on with the two queens still in the field facing each other at a supply depot.  Will this be the final decisive battle?

Though outnumbered Queen Indrana has confidence in her now vetern and victorious army and deploys ready to defend her Queendom.  Faacing her is the much larger host of mainly foreign mercenaries of Queen Parsifa. This oft defeated host  is suffering from low morale and the Queen ensconsing herself in the relative safety of the fortified supply depot.























Various Characters Wrote Battle Accounts

To Grand Duchess Maudette of Bara 3rd Eighth Moon

Your Royal Highness,

As mentioned in my last letter our armies retired to Supply Depot One near Folga, through the night of the first. On the 2nd we re-organised our forces and decided on our dispositions should Indrana come after us. With our own Baratrean forces being much reduced I formed them into just the one unit under Don Esso. He is still suffering from his wound but should be able to manage the defensive battle we are expecting.

In fact on the 2nd Queen Indrana’s army arrived and made camp. Dawn broke exceeding fair on Woeday 3rd and the enemy deployed into line facing us. Both sides were reluctant to advance and merely exchanged missiles at long range. The enemy springalds shot so exceedingly well that Commander Kloketes Oblivians and Shubub’s Assyrans were driven back in disorder.

= = =

My Cousin Don Carlos ordered most of the left wing forward but we seemed to be losing most of the missile exchanges and this did not get better! Eventually his Stetians and the Oblivian Baggage Guards began a melee with two units of Belmanian Militia. The Baggage Guards were routed and took back the decimated Jedonese and I am sorry to say our Baratreans! Apart from the thud of the Mangonels I had heard nothing of the doings of our strong right wing. However it seemed to me that Queen Parsifa was sacrificing the Lawic troops to better save the Chaotic ones! Having brought them to Belmain I deemed it my duty to rally our Baratreans and take them safely back home, rather than lose any more of them!

= = =

So with my menie I rode back over the bridge to where our baggage carts were lined up on the road. They were laden with victuals which it would be a disaster to lose, so I ordered them to start moving back on the road to Cuterr and Supply depot Two. The routed troops fled past us but overtaking them we rode a good hundred hets onward. There we stood ready to collect the troops when exhaustion checked their flight.

Whilst waiting for them to arrive I summoned my cherub Gapode Igual. “ It seems that things are not turning out well for us but I wish you to watch how the battle progresses from the Flaches to report to me when it ends!” He duly promised to do so.

= = =

I then stood on the road watching Sir Sangwyn’s wagons crawling towards me. There were twelve of them nine drawn by oxen and three by draught elephants. These beasts could be seen for long distances out here in the open and would undoubtedly draw the routed troops no matter how far they scattered. The land around here is given over to grazing cattle. Being the route the Chaotic reinforcements for Narchad came there was little point in trying to grow crops. When units were passing the cattle would be driven off to safer pastures.

I anxiously watched the rear of our battle positions. After the Assyrans,, two units of Oblivians, the Jedonese and our Baratreans there was a lull on our left. Still fighting were General Don Carlos’ Stetian regulars and a unit of large trolls. Were they still fighting or had they been wiped out? I worried for my cousin Don Carlos! His mother Donna Hesqueza whose Mythryl corselet I wear had already lost her daughter Donna Ines murdered by mistake for me! And then her other son Jerome was drowned in the attack on Tikjolit. If Carlos is dead she has only Donna Sancia left! I passed the time by writing this but no more routed troops came for about a quarter of an hour. Then to the right of the fort I saw troops clad in silver shining armour come down the hill from the Mangonels! They must be Count Rhuffin’s Dwelf Engineers! If they are fleeing things must be dire indeed! The Belmanian flag still flew on the fort but there seemed to be fighting still around the Mangonels which indicated that all the right wing of Parsifa’s army was beaten! The head of the baggage train was nearing me so I told them just to keep marching. No matter how many routed troops I collected, they would not be fit to make another stand! A fighting retreat all the way back to Narchad was the best we could hope for!

= = =

Soon I saw another routed unit come from the right of the Mangonels. Eventually I discovered it had been Sir Sangwyn’s Baggage Guards. General Lathik of Narchad accompanied them and reported that all was lost! Queen Parsifa had been left unsupported in the depot fort! Before we had collected all the fugitives Parsifa’s banner on the tower was replaced by Hagoth’s Volcano! It was not yet min morning!

Thus it was left to me to shepherd the shattered remains of our army along the long road to Millien County. We had plenty victuals in the carts so there was no need to send out foragers. This suited our shaken troops very well. Igual Gapode came to me in the afternoon to report that Queen Parsifa had surrendered under terms to Queen Indrana. With her were Count Gotmor of Millien, Grand Mistress Messalinda of the Schwartze Swestrin, General Don Carlos Rasguno, Commander Spikenard, and Commander Konk.

That evening when we camped I made a tally of our remaining forces.

My Unicorn unit = 3

General Lathik’s HQ Unit = 4

Sir Sangwyn’s Baggage Guard = 19

Our Baratreans under Don Esso = 26

Commander Kloketes Stetians = 15

Commander Shubbub’s Assyrans = 8

General Achedes Oblivian Baggage = 14

Daimyo Katana’ s Jedonese = 5

Total = 94

Since there appeared to be no pursuit I am quite confident that that we shall manage to return safely to Narchad and eventually to home.

Your obedient Servant Marshal Morgana Lefey

= = =


To Quixano Rasguno 2nd Peron of Stetia 3rd Eighth Moon

Dear father,

After our reverse at Onin Bridge we retired to the Supply Depot One near the village of Folga. Queen Parsifa and the Millien Militia occupied the castle like depot whilst we were posted on the left wing behind a stream. With us were the Baratreans and Oblivians and some other small units. Queen Indrana’s army arrived on the 2nd but did not form a line of battle until today. To the south of the depot were the four Mangonels and the bulk of our missiles.

The battle started not long after dawn. Commander Kloketes Hoplites were stationed in advance of the stream and Queen Parsifa ordered them to move forward. This they did and suffered from a rain of missiles, mainly from the enemy springalds. Eventually they were forced to retire in disorder. Queen Parsifa on the tower top then waved her Pastoral staff ordering me to advance the rest of the left wing. A mass of Belmanian militia spearmen moved to meet us and we and the Oblivian Baggage Guards meleed them. Alas the Baggage Guards broke and fled allowing the foes to come round our right flank. The enemy Commander shouted that he would accept our surrender. Things were getting desperate but I replied “Not Yet!” However the only other unit still with us were some ungainly trolls who had had bad losses at Onin Bridge and whom I feared might turn on us from behind. Our own losses were still mounting and what I could see beyond the Depot was an unorganised scattering of our units. I could see no hope of our winning through so I called out that we would surrender! So Count Sharda of Sigis had his militia with some giants come and disarm us. The Countess Redsun of Wisentor told me that if I did as the Queen told me we would have an easy future! But then she was ordered to head away against our right wing with sundry other units. Commander Konik’s trolls who had moved to try and protect our flank immediately surrendered with us.

Your dutiful son General Carlos

= = =

Priestess Calva’s Journal 3rd Eighth Moon

For the battle her Royal Highness Queen Parsifa stationed us on the tower of the fortified depot where we could see all that happened. Apart from our great banner we had a springald with a great plenty of darts. On our left we had the strongest tarkgh units formed behind a small stream. On our right we had the four Mangonels on a rise with the best troops the Narchadians the eye Aughed and the giant ogres and others. Her Royal Highness hoped that the enemy would attack us on that flank but they just held their positions. She ordered the Oblivian hoplites on the left wing to move forward to try and provoke the enemy but for the first hour there were just long range exchanges of missiles. Unfortunately a unit of Springalds scored heavily on the hoplites and much diminished they retired in disorder. Her Majesty then signalled to General Carlo to advance the left flank. This he did but the rain of missiles drove back some. The Stetian regulars and the Oblivian Baggage Guards charged onto a mass of Belmanian spearmen. However the Baggage Guards were routed and took the Assyrans, the Jedonese and the Baratreans with them. Marshal Morgana with her two attendants rode off after them, hopefully to rally them. Meanwhile Her Majesty had ordered her right flank forces to advance. They were met with storms of arrows which soon routed Hogwynds Brutyrs who had suffered much in the earlier battles. As our lines neared theirs they drew back to reveal a dry ditch they had dug as a minor obstacle! However our men pressed bravely onwards. On our extreme right we had General Lathik’s Giant Ogres. Though small in number these might have been called giant giant ogres and we had big hopes of them smashing through. Alas , a magician with their Aughed opponents demoralised them and but a remnant was seen fleeing the field. Three other units still pressed on to melee the foes.

= = =

Priestess Calva’s Journal continued

The mighty Eye Aughed meleed the foes bravely but they were unsupported and soon a unit of trolls attacked them on their left flank. But three remained standing when they were forced to sue for quarter. The mercenary bill unit halted in disarray due to their losses to missiles, meaning that these then wiped them out! The Narchadian Regulars were unnerved by these disasters and recoiled back just before coming into contact with the foes. In fact they retired so far they rejoined their longbowmen who had been left to fire on enemy units advancing from the left. Meanwhile a large body of brown-skinned troops led these, attacking Commander Menes Oblivian bowmen. Despite the arrows these charged home and overcame the bowmen. They then headed towards the Mangonels and I could not see the result for the bulk of the Fort lay betwixt us. On the left we had nothing left! We could see enemy units leading off the Tan Dork trolls and the Stetian Regulars as prisoners! We had hoped for better from them!

= = =

Priestess Calva’s Journal continued

Two enemy units charged the Stetian Regulars. These were still in disorder and soon surrendered. We could not see any of our troops standing outside the fort. “It seemeth that we are surrounded Your Royal highness!” quoth Priestess Heffa worriedly.

That may be but we cannot see the Mangonels and Sir Sangwyn’s command from here!” responded her Royal Highness. “Maybe some may come to climb the sortie ladders up the back wall?” But later,

Alas I fear I can see Count Rhuffin’s engineers routed fleeing over the sward Your Royal Highness!” said Grand Mistress Messalinda looking to the rear of the tower. If they, the troops closest to the fort were gone what hope was there for all the rest? The enemy massing down below us sent an absolute hail of arrows and Springald darts at our men on the Gate Wall and three of them fell of it! Her Majesty declared “It seemeth mighty Minos hath abandoned us! No more should die on mine own account! Trumpeter, sound the Parley fanfare!”

The trumpeter gave a loud clarion call and all actions ceased.

Her Royal Highness leant out of an embrasure and called out

Sister Queen Indrana! We cry for quarter! Surely no more should die in our regrettable quarrel. We will come out to discuss what terms you will give us?” There was silence for a while and then we could see a party approaching from the enemy’s rear towards our gate. Her Royal Highness touched me and the Grand Mistress, “Come!” so we descended down into the courtyard. Count Gotmor was already there and said “The Engineers and the baggage guards are gone. There would be no chance of our escaping!”

It is as we thought. Come Count and let us go forth to treat with the enemy.”

Dame Rose opened the gate and the Count ordered the Mimomar monster to accompany us. Dame Rose shut and barred the gate behind us as we went to meet Indrana’s delegation. These waited for us clear of their massed forces. Queen Indrana was accompanied by the large Marshal Gildelm, Lady Mira, her Durgid Sorceress Devilla, a big goblin standard bearer and two Amazons bearing her orb of authority. The latter to emphasise the fact that we had lost Her Royal Highness’ and in fact that Indrana held all of them!

Why should we hold our hand from storming your fort? A loss of around a score should do it!” asked Queen Indrana.

We have more respect for the lives of our subjects. Count Gotmor here holds three castles and our supporter Count Morven holds Tegalon, Belmain’s foremost port! To win these to your realm is possible if you come to an agreement with us?”

You will need to swear not to raise forces against us and to retire as a dowager on the same terms as Gimawl and Phaedra! Further I deem that your post as Arch Priestess of Minos be quitted. You have held that for very many years and it is time for some-one else! I propose that you become Priestess of Haldork Temple and Father Boveril take over as Arch Priest!”

Boveril!” gasped her Royal Highness. Father Boveril was reckoned to be a blockhead whose private life left much to be desired. He had three gherrins nicknamed the heifers!

At least you will have a temple of Minos to run!” whispered Grand Mistress Messalinda.

We suppose that we could perhaps agree to that but what of Count Gotmor and Grand Mistress Messalinda?”

Count Gotmor must swear allegiance to us and accompany Counts Makentar, Prushamin and Rankyn back to Regalis with me as a prisoner. They will be well cared for there. We will not even claim ransom for them, unlike those others that we have captured!”

What say you Count Gotmor?” asked Her Royal Highness.

So that you agree to your own terms I see little point in refusing. I only ask that my followers who comprise most of this fort’s garrison be allowed to return home to Millien?”

The Sorceress Devilla then spoke to Queen Indrana in the Undo tongue which I do not understand.

Queen Indrana then said “Yes we will agree that the garrison of the fort will be free to go home if Queen Parsifa will write to Count Morven saying that she has no further claims to the throne and that he must swear fealty to us!”

To that I also agree!” said Queen Parsifa.

Now as for you Grand Mistress Melinda, I have always supported your aims of equal opportunities! I ask you to return to your house in Regalis and resume your duties to your organisation. The house will be rather emptier than you left it I am afraid. I ask for your support in making Belmain a Queendom? Should even you Parsifa or Phaedra or Gimawl challenge me for the Queendom at the New Year, I am confident that Hagoth’s creed will be upheld!”

Your Majesty will have my full support in this!” responded the Grand Mistress of the Schwartz Schwesterin.”

So the negotiation was ended. Count Gotmor was escorted away whilst the rest of us returned to the Fort to get packed ready for our separate journeys.

= = =

To Wizard Kornis Mark of Tallaster 3rd Eighth Moon

Dear old friend,

Things are not going well here in the supply fort near Folga. It may well be that you will soon succeed me as Count of Millien! After the reverse at Onin Bridge we retired to this position and I am writing this from inside the fort. This is in the centre of our position and is garrisoned by my Millien troops plus Queen Parsifa’s menie. The action started soon after dawn with about an hour of long range missile exchanges. Commander Kloketes Oblivian hoplites suffered heavily on the left but the Queen ordered that wing to advance. They crossed over the stream that had protected most of that wing. The enemy missile storm continued and most units soon fled. Only two units, General Carlos Stetians and General Achedes Oblivian Baggage manages to charge home. The latter were soon routed and the Stetians plus Commander Konik’s trolls surrendered!

Meanwhile Queen Parsifa had ordered her strong right wing to attack. As they went forward the foes retired a step to reveal that they had dug a dry ditch as an obstacle. General Lathik’s Giant ogres were bested by the magic of Gin Hedz. The missiles stopped Hogwynds Brutyrs, Sir Quatrens Billman and Commander Spikenard’s Narchadians. Only Commander Fyres Eye Aughed managed to melee their line! Alas they were attacked in the flank and only a handful survived to surrender! Commander Menes Oblivian bowmen had tarried back hoping to stop the enemy from taking the right wing in the flank. They were charged by some very fleet footed light spearmen. Their fire was ineffective and they were completely overcome. These light spearmen then attacked the engineers and bowmen on the hill. The Dwelfs fled and I was so surprised at this, that I failed to try any of my spells on them!

= = =

Further away Commander Spikenards Narchadian regulars were caught still in disorder and forced to surrender. Sir Sangwyn’s Baggage Guard unit had stood mumchance beyond the Mangonels, so I shouted to them to come to the rear wall of the fort, so that they could join us up the sortie ladders! Alas their only movement was to flee in panic whilst the surviving engineers were cut down. Then the trumpet on the fort’s tower blared out the call for a parley. I descended to the courtyard

and met Queen Parsifa there. I told her “The Engineers and the baggage guards are gone. There would be no chance of our escaping!”

It is as we thought. Come Count and let us go forth to treat with the enemy.”

So we went out to an open space beside the road and met Queen Indrana’s delegation. It was hard going as we had little to offer. The upshot was that Parsifa was to retire to Haldork as a Priestess of Minos, with the present incumbent Father Boveril to replace her as Arch Priest. I am to go to Regalis with the other prisoner Counts at Queen Indrana’s pleasure. The Grand Mistress Messalinda did best,

as she is to aid Belmain becoming a permanent Queendom in future, utilising the New Year challenge traditions! Our surviving followers in the Fort were permitted to return home so you may see them in due time.

Your old friend Count Gotmor

= = =

= = =

Lady Mira’s record of Queen Indrana’s rule continued

Her Royal Highness Queen Regnant Indrana ordered the cautious advance of her army. We arrived at the Supply depot One at Folga on the afternoon of the 2nd of the Eighth Moon. The enemy had deployed in strength on either side of the crenelated depot. This like most of the supply depots resembled a small castle. It had one tall tower and a high curtain wall. The paper garrison would be thirteen plus one springald. Enough to deter lawless elements of the units of troublemakers we were duty bound to feed on their way to Narchad. Obviously the rebel Queen Parsifa would have replaced and increased this. On their right on a rise, they had their battery of four Mangonels, supported by many archers and the Eye Aughed. Their left was comprised of several bodies of regular troops. Most were formed behind a shallow stream. The battle commenced with some long range missile fire. The Mangonels concentrated on our handful of giants who were forced to retire. The enemy’s left wing advanced across the stream proving that it was not sown with caltrops. Our springalds concentrated on a unit of Oblivian hoplites to such good effect that they were driven back in disorder taking a nearby unit of Assyans with them.

= = =

Lady Mira’s record of Queen Indrana’s Rule continued

Our right wing troops advanced to meet the Stetian regulars and some Oblivians who commenced a fierce melee with the Yrshidim and Wisentor Militias. The Oblivians were routed taking units of Jedonese and Baratreans with them. I thought that if we could finish the Stetians and a unit of trolls behind them, the enemy’s whole left wing was gone!

Meanwhile, at last the enemy’s right wing decided to start advancing. Our units retired enough to reveal the dry ditch they had been digging behind them. It will give us a slight edge in any melees. The carts were also hauled into an obstacle forming line. Her Majesty also ordered the Nwana unit to head off to support our right wing forces. Count Sharda with the militias of Sigis, Yrshidim and Wisentor fought hand to hand with the Oblivians and the Stetian Regulars. Our superior fighting qualities eventually prevailed and the Oblivians fled and the Stetian Regulars under General Carlos Rasguno surrendered! Count Sharda then sent Countess Redsun and others to back up the Nwana and the other troops threatening the enemy’s right.

Meanwhile on the left despite our missiles, some of the enemy units reached our line behind the ditch. On the extreme left this was held by Commander Gin Hedz’ Aughed who have done so much for us and lost so many of its warriors. They were assailed by a small unit of colossal sized ogres. They could have done much damage to us but the Commander utilised his head of magic power and the ogres were repulsed! The enemy had halted and turned two archer units to face the threat of the Nwana’s so their line was fragmented. The left of their line were Eye Aughed, tough warriors double the size of the Bolgburz Aughed they were attacking but the latter held. Then Wazir Publush’s trolls attacked the Eye Aughed’s flank.

= = =

To Countess Missifah of Sigis 3rd Eighth Moon 707ATN

Beloved wife,

We followed up the enemy to find them ready for battle at the Supply Depot near Folga. We camped overnight and made ready for battle on the dawn of this Woeday. Our troops with the militias of Yrshidim and Wisentor were on the extreme right of our army. For over an hour only long range missile exchanges took place. A unit of Oblivian hoplites moved into range in front of the fort gate. Marshal Gildelm’s springalds fired on them so effectively that they retired in disarray. Then the rest of their left wing advanced on us, crossing the stream they had been lining. Thus I knew it had not been sown with caltrops. I ordered our militias to charge to meet them. We faced regular Stetians and a unit of Oblivian light troops. The latter were soon routed and took some other units with them. The Stetians were tough but we were having the better of the fighting when they noticed that apart from some ungainly trolls in their rear they were now alone! I offered to take their surrender and after some natural reluctance, their General Carlos Rasguno consented! The trolls commanded by Commander Konik agreed to do likewise. The Stetians totalled 23 and the trolls were 13 strong, 36 in all. With General Carlos were Sir Kroche, Sir Pynk, Sir Krystal, three Sergeants and two nurses. Commander Konik Had Sir Krest, Wizard Storn and the Giant Troll Gnurr. Worth nearly twenty thousand in ransoms but I doubt Her Royal Highness will let them be ransomed. On previous form she will just add them to her army!

With some Flachsfeld giants and our own men I disarmed them and kept them under guard. I sent the rest of the right wing troops to head for the enemy’s right wing under Countess Redsun of Wisentor.

= = =

Lady Mira’s record of Queen Indrana’s Rule continued

A large unit of Narchadian Regulars almost attacked us over the ditch but they were dismayed by the routing of the Giant ogres and the decimating of the unit of mercenary billmen on their left. The Eye Aughed fought valiantly against us but the trolls flank attack was decisive. Few were the prisoners that we took there! Prince Gumbo’s Nwana braved the fire of the archer units to fight hand to hand with one of Oblivian archers. These they destroyed and carried on to attack the four Mangonels. These had some attendant bowmen on the hillock beside the fort. They comprised two units and the one containing dwelfs soon fled. The other fought a losing battle! Her Royal Highness studied the numbers of missiles coming from the fort and said that we must think to organise for escalading it! We had a ram and a dozen assault ladders with the wagons.

= = =

So this was set in train whilst our forces neared the walls of the fort. The large Goblin and Aughed units in our centre charged the disordered Narchadians who soon surrendered. The destruction of the Mangonel’s units caused another unit of a score men to flee and there were now no enemies left outside the Fort. We commenced a hail of missiles against the front wall and presently a trumpet blast signified a call to a parley.

We could overwhelm them with missiles and then take them by escalade as we did at Shone!” declared Queen Indrana.

Your Majesty, do we want all their castles to fight to the last? They have at least four by my count.” I said.

Please hear what they have to say Your Majesty.” Pleaded Sorceress Devilla. “We can take the orb to show that we have the authority that she has not!”

Yes. Yes let us go. Bring Marshal Gildelm and the banner!”

So we headed to a clear space to the right of our massed forces. Queen Parsifa came out of the gate with Count Gotmor, Grand Mistress Messalinda of the Swartze Schwesterin, one of her priestesses and the monster Mimomar.

Why should we hold our hand from storming your fort? A loss of around a score should do it!” asked Her Royal Highness.

We have more respect for the lives of our subjects. Count Gotmor here holds three castles and our supporter Count Morven holds Tegalon, Belmain’s foremost port! To win these to your realm is possible if you come to an agreement with us?”

You will need to swear not to raise forces against us and to retire as a dowager on the same terms as queens Gimawl and Phaedra! Further I deem that your post as Arch Priestess of Minos be quitted. You have held that for very many years and it is time for some-one else! I propose that you become Priestess of Haldork Temple and its Father Boveril take over as Arch Priest!”

Boveril!” gasped her Royal Highness and a pause ensued whilst she conferred with her supporters. Then she returned.

We suppose that we could perhaps agree to that but what of Count Gotmor and Grand Mistress Messalinda?”

Count Gotmor must swear allegiance to us and accompany Counts Makentar, Prushamin and Rankyn back to Regalis with me as Hostages. They will be well cared for there. We will not even claim ransom for them, unlike those others that we have captured!”

What say you Count Gotmor?” asked Her Royal Highness.

So that you agree to your own terms I see little point in refusing. I only ask that my followers who comprise most of this fort’s garrison be allowed to return home to Millien?”

The Sorceress Devilla then in the Undo tongue. “Your Royal Highness we now have enough prisoners to make guarding and feeding them a large problem! Your magnanimity here may pay dividends in the future!”

Queen Indrana then said “Yes we will agree that the garrison of the fort will be free to go home on condition that Queen Parsifa will write to Count Morven, saying that she has no further claims to the throne and that he must swear fealty to us!”

To that I also agree!” said Queen Parsifa.

Now as for you Grand Mistress Melinda, I have always supported your aims of equal opportunities! I ask you to return to your house in Regalis and resume your duties to your organisation. The house will be rather emptier than you left it I am afraid. (it had been looted completely bare by the Regalis mob!) I ask for your support in making Belmain a Queendom? Should even you Parsifa or Phaedra or Gimawl challenge me for the Queendom at the New Year, I am confident that Hagoth’s creed will be upheld!” (Being the only young fighting fit swordswoman amongst them she was right to be wholly confident!)

Your Majesty will have my full support in this!” responded the Grand Mistress of the Schwartz Schwesterin.”

Her organisation is devoted to maintaining Belmain as an equal opportunities Realm with ‘Sword Sorcery and Poison’ and is not one to offend without very good reason!

So Count Gotmor was led off to join the other senior prisoners whilst the rest Queen Parsifa’s delegation returned to the Fort. Within the hour those within departed up the road northwards and we could explore the depot fort. Grand Mistress Messalinda with her assistant Dame Rose gave us a guided tour.

Meanwhile Marshal Gildelm and Princess Beh Monga had been making a tally of the battle casualties.

Our army had suffered only losses of 30 dead and 11 wounded, very low under the circumstances.

Of the enemy we have captured three large units, 21 General Carlo’s Stetian regulars, 14 Commander Konik’s Trolls and 21 Commander Spikenard’s Narchadian regulars. Plus 8 odd hale prisoners totalling 64. Then there were 25 sore wounded lying on the field. Their dead amounted to perhaps seven score. We believe that around five score fled.

Her Royal Highness decided to accept Konik’s Trolls and some Eye Aughed into her own army. To be held for ransom were:

Stetia General Carlos Rasguno = 4,000 Gilden Pezzi

3 Knights Kroche, Pynk & Kristal = 6,000 “ “

3 Sergeants = 1,500 “ “

2 Nurses = 40 “ “

14 Soldiers = 140 “ “

Stetia Total 23 = 11,680 “ “

Narchad Commander Spikenard = 4,000 “ “

Giant Ogre Sergeant Mobb = 1,000 “ “

Giant Ogre = 500 “ “

Mark Potherd, Sir Peke & Sorceress Magrit = 6,000 “ “

2 Nurses = 40 “ “

14 soldiers = 140 “ “

Narchad Total 22 = 11,680 “ “

Oblivians Commander Menes = 4,000 “ “

5 Archers & 1 Engineer = 60 “ “

Oblivian Total 7 = 4, 060 “ “

Letters were to be sent to the Juanta of Stetia, the Nizander of Oblivia and The Narch of Narchad as soon as practical for these demands.

The prisoners and wounded were to be held in the supply fort with Mark Cuprinol, Princess Beh Monga and Gin Hedz units to hold them.

Once the field was cleared the Royal Highness allowed to army to have a celebratory victory feast. She told Jarl Gaffmaker that he could take his Norsemen back to Nor allowing Commander Masks handful of axemen to join them. She was very conscious that the Belmain crops would soon be needed to be harvested soon so all the militias would be needed back at their homes. However now that there were no rival Queens left in the field against her it was safe to return to Regalis with a much reduced army. The only outstanding potential problem remained Count Morven of Cogwile. He held Tegalon Belmain’s main port and it was known that it had been reinforced by a large contingent of Thentian troops. Now Queen Parsifa had abdicated her claim would he accept her rule? Would the Thentians let him? His considerable wealth came mostly from port tolls, much from the Thalian silks exported to Thentis. If he did not accept Indrana’s rule perhaps she should march to besiege Tegalon after the harvests were all in? Still this could be decided well into the future!

= = =

Games Master’s Report

This battle was laid on the table at the end of February 2020 when Covid struck. It has now been finished after four evenings play on 7th June 2022! As usual Alan playing Queen Indrana had well above average dice throw s with Richard having the reverse. I myself played Queen Parsifa on the last evening when the result was not in doubt. I have never seen so many 0s, 1s and 2s! So this was the last deciding battle of the Belmanian Civil War. An unrelieved run of unbelievable victories for Queen Indrana! Of course I was rather worried that my long term heroine Marshal Morgana Lefey survivor of sixty-six previous actions might wind up dead! However, the routing of her fellow Baratreans gave me the perfect excuse to let her head off to safety!



History of Belmain

Origins of the Civil War                          

1. River battle at Bilia

2. Regalis Coronation

3. Battle of Antilo

4. Assault on Sigis Hold

5. Siege of the Dwarven town of Shone

6. Assault on the rebel Counts at Shid

7. Battle of Onin Bridge

8. Battle of Folga

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