All the cattle in the world belong to the Gaasai!

Morvalistan Late Summer 1872

Background, Elder Gizaku

You are one of the Elders of the Clan of Kuzirawurs. You are continually being asked to provide more cattle for the clan.  Indeed your own wealth is not quite enough to allow you to marry a young woman that has taken your fancy.  A proportion of the cattle that you recover for the clan herds will be given to you and a share given to each of the warriors with you.  Your share needs to be 10 cattle to allow you to have a third wife.  It is hard enough keeping the two wives that you already have without the Wa’Kambolo stealing your cattle!

You were present at the Council of Elders and heard Worzdiku the Senior Elder of the Gaasai, complain about the Wa’Kambolo raiding his lands. Elder Datsmaku's, suggestion that Watembi  did it in disguise sounded hollow.  More raids had followed and the clans at the lake had been massacred and the women captured by a combined band of Wa’Kambolo and pale men.  The Elders of both clans had been slain by these aggressors.  It seems to you and to Worzdiku that instead of fighting in the punishment expedition a raid to recover cattle would be more suitable.  It is many a long year, since Wa’Kambolo provided such a good cause. 

A moon ago, a herd of your own finest cattle were taken and the boy herding, them slain! You have made plans with Worzdiku. You will raid down from the North whilst he does so from the East. You will meet his force at the ford stone of the Blaksmeli River ready to make a fighting withdrawal eastwards into the Mara if needed. You intend to go via Blaksmeli as you suspect Tubifelli the prince of the Wa’Kambolo to be involved with the theft of your cattle. His clan has had some trifling dispute with your predecessor years ago. The link up is to take place midday, 14th of the Ninth Moon.

You asked for some assistance from the other elders and they have given you some Moran and a few Simbasai, who were passing through. They are very willing to come for a share of the loot.

Current Situation  (Everyone can speak Ga and the Officers and Independents Mogambu)

You started out crossing the Blaksmeli at dusk last night. You have sacked 15 farms and a kraal. You have many sacks of grain and miscellaneous booty on 8 captured males and 14 female captives, but only 13 head of assorted cattle and two Gaasai women so far.  At this time of year, the cattle are usually farther up into the hills. Also it is difficult finding them in the dark. Though this is the night of the full moon it was completely overcast.  In the small hours you collected your men together again and struck out for your present hide to rest. Dazdiway, a Watembi mercenary spied out the land and guided you here, he has mysteriously disappeared.  It is now a still overcast dawn. Surveying the scene before you can see grassy hills with farms, cattle and sheep and what could well be the kraal of Tubifeli in the distance. Perfect! You could be beating down the boma of the kraal in two hours and over the ford in three. Not so perfect is the warning beacon, just lit on a nearby hill! You must strike fast if you are to raid the farms, take the kraal and get to the ford before the Wa’Kambolo can get a force together to stop you. If you sent a party to put out the beacon and kill the inevitable drummer, would it stop the enemy massing?

You need to detail men to help herd the cattle and prisoners and pick the best route to send these. Then you also want to send off parties to collect the cattle and sheep scattered around and to loot the farms in the area as well.  

Herding Rules

Sheep & goat herding 4" moves, 1 person per 6 sheep, 1 dog per 8 sheep, -1" per 3 sheep in excess.

Cattle Herding, 5" moves, 1 person per 4 cows, or 1 rider per 8 cows, -1" per 2 cows in excess.

Moving prisoners with bound hands need a guard for each 3 men or 5 women. For each prisoner more roll a D10 per move. Adjust this roll if: one side blocked by physical feature +1, Independent present -1, Officer -2, Leader -3, prisoner just run -1  = 0- a prisoner runs off and dice again. Running with bound hands double normal move -3".

Background, Tubifeli Prince of the Wa’Kambolo

You are a Wa’Kambolo chieftain in the west of Morvalistan.  King Longanoze has complained that the warriors of the Wa’Kambolo are getting soft and need to be toughened up for when the war against the Watembi breaks out anew.  How to do this other than by the traditional means of raiding? The Watembi borders are far away but your family does have a longstanding feud with the Elder Gizaku of the Clan of Kuzirawurs of the Gaasai People. A generation ago the nephew of the elder the Clan of Kuzirawurs raided the kraal and made off with your Aunt Zelimvigga, he married her and refused to return her.  She was to have married a Wa’Kambolo clan chief’s son and bring a dowry of 12 cattle for the betterment of the family status enough to allow your uncle to marry a new wife.  Whilst it is true that this happened eighteen years ago and your Aunt Zelimvigga, her husband and the old Elder of the Clan of Kuzirawurs are all dead, no restitution has ever been made! You accordingly sent your son Skinifelli with a band of youngsters to do a little light raiding of the Clan of Kuzirawurs. They returned with a fine herd of cattle, which you have split amongst your followers.  Seven of the best are with Grimfelli, whose pretty wife is friendly with your son Skinifelli. He is at their farm now. You are at your kraal, with your mother Skolda, second wife Gidkuk, your son Wifelli, your drummer Batta, your wazir Monifelli, four bodyguards and the maid Kala. At AvD moves after dawn, your mother notices that the alarm beacon, is lit. Your duty is to light your own and go, beating your drum, to the nearby Warstone, to collect your warriors as they arrive. Should you leave Wifelli to hold the tower? It will take you nine moves from now to reach the Warstone.  However men from the next valley will flock there 2+ AvD moves after your drum starts beating. There are a few men in the farms of your own valley glen also. (D6 each move 4+ to start off) The boys should drive the livestock to safety and the women should hide away. Somewhere out there is your cousin, Baldfelli with some archers. They are hunting a lion that has been killing cattle and sheep in the area, plus any hyenas and jackals they can catch. They can muster at either the Warstone or beacon stone. There, Gidfelli your war leader will be rallying the warriors closest to it. 

Herding Rules

Sheep & goat herding 4" moves, 1 person per 6 sheep, 1 dog per 8 sheep, -1" per 3 sheep in excess.  Cattle Herding, 5" moves, 1 person per 4 cows, or 1 rider per 8 cows, -1" per 2 cows in excess.

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