These Rules are for you to use in playing our (or anyone else's) games.

If you use them elsewhere we ask that you give us credit and acknowledgement.  If you have any suggestions and/or improvements to suggest please contact us.

Victorian Gothic Rules

by J.L.Mumford March 2009 


These were written to simulate supernatural and role playing actions in the late Victorian era. They have been adapted from the Broken Wheel Wild West Rules.

Move Sequence 1) Any Initiative throws 2) Movement 3) Speak, fire, reload or fight with the actions spread between four rounds (rd). Action Decision Testing (ADT) will be taken when required.

Movement rates men 5.0 > 7.5 inches, women 4.0 > 6.5 inches, running double, crawling halved.

Hvy load -1 inch.  Ridden horses 6 > 11, coaches 8 > 12, wagons 5 > 8 inches.

Searching a character to find anything valuable on a person dead or alive AvD rounds.

Mounting & Dismounting

Mounting AvD +Ag each round needing 3+ to mount Mounting block or assisted mount +2

Dismounting D10 + Ag = 4+ 1round, 1+ 2 rounds, 0- 3 rounds

Obstacles open or secure door -1", through window or low obstacle -2" (0.6”-), stairs take –0.5" per round, Bad CC Bipeds -0.5” per round, Quadrupeds –1” per round. High Obstacles D6 + Ag –1 per 0.1 above 0.6 (Agility value) = 1 use four rounds then abandon attempt, 2 fail try again next move, 3 take 4 rounds, 4 take two rounds, 5+ take one round. If assisted +4 + assister’s agility. 

Injuries from falling GM or opponent throws a D10 + F+ ground strike.

F moving 6"+ +1, moving 12" + +2, rider falling +1, each additional 1" depth +1, down very steep incline -2, down steep incline -4.

Ground strikes, pit spikes -2, rocks -3, stony ground -4, normal ground -5, ploughed or sand -6, mud or marsh -7.

Character Types & values Marked on card or playsheet All speak English unless otherwise marked.

Activists (Ac) are valiant types used to danger & fighting.

Willing Assistants (WA) are people ready to encounter dangers if necessary, usually suitably equipped.

Bystanders (By) are people not really intending to encounter dangers but who may become involved. May sometimes be armed or use improvised weapons if drawn into conflict.

Inactives (In) are unequipped people reluctant to become involved! They will only dodge or surrender if meleed.

Leaders (LEA) can be any of the above but they have authority over some other characters.

Vice Leaders (Vle) standby leaders who can take over when Leader is absent. 

Move Rates men 4.0 > 6.5 inches, women 3.0 >5.5 inches Ridden horses R6 > 10,

Fatigue Fa Men 1/2/4 > 3/6/6 Women 1/1/2 > 2/5/5 Steeds 2/4/4 > 4/8/8

Ag Obstacle crossing Agility Ag Men –2 > +3 Women –3 > +1

Th Throwing Ability values +2 > -3

Me Melee Abilities, basic plus weapon factors, men -1>+3, women –4 >0 plus strike values.

Any firing capabilities are listed giving chances of hits and strike points.

Class I > VII Victorian class levels

Public Integrity divided into Respectable, Dubious & Unsavoury.

Ch Charm –2 > +3 for use against M males & F females.

Co Coercion value –2 > +3 Only given to some characters likely to need intimidating powers.

Victorian Class system

Character classes are listed a Cl I, Cl II Cl III etc with females being rated in practise the grade lower.

These are used to dice for random money carried (MC) and potential minimum bribe rates (BR).

Cl I children and beggars, vagrants etc: MC D10 –7 shillings D12 –6 pence. BR 2 shillings

Cl II breadline poor, skivvies & occasional workers. MC D10 –5 shillings D12 –3 pence. BR 5 shillings

Cl III lower servants, apprentices  & labourers D10 –3 shillings & D12 -1pence. BR 10 shillings

Cl IV upper servants, Police constables, established workers. MC D10 shillings & D12 -1pence.

BR 20 shillings

Cl V Superior servants, shopkeepers craftsmen. Sergeants MC D10 –5 pounds, D20 shillings & D12 -1pence. BR, 2 pounds

Cl VI Bankers, Lawyers, Doctors, Merchants, Officers. MC D10 pounds D20 shillings, D12 -1pence.  BR, 5 pounds

Cl VII Gentlefolk of Independent means MC D20 pounds D20 shillings, D12 -1pence. BR 10 pounds

Characters Public Integrity (PI) can also be classified as Respectable, with a good name to protect, Dubious and Unsavoury which can influence their decision taking processes.

Missions motivation and interventions

Every figure involved in an action will have some sort of a mission even if it is only to have some exercise walking or to serve at a shop’s counter. Player characters, trying to carry out a main mission may need to interrupt or wholly alter these minor missions. They can do this by means of Persuasion, Distraction, Bribery or Coercion. For this it is first necessary to establish the target figure’s original mission value or Scruples for not doing what is wished. Whilst Time scruples will normally apply, iniquity and duty scruples will only be applied when actually relevant.  Characters of Dubious reputation ignore 1 Iniquity and 1 Duty scruples. Characters of Unsavoury reputation, ignore 2 Iniquity and 2 Duty Scruples. These are for general application but some characters may have established weaknesses given on their cards. 

Time Scruple: Inconvenient 1, slight delay 2, long delay 3, diversion from mission 4

Iniquity Scruples: Naughty 1, Wrong 2, Wicked 3, Criminal 4, Seriously 5, Capitally Criminal 6

Duty Scruples: Blind eye 1, bend Rules 2, ignore rules 3, rank disobedience 4


Characters have Charm values M for against Males and F against Females used when persuading non-party characters to give information or to follow a course of action. To obtain a decision D10 + Ch – Scruples

= 4+ persuaded, 1+ persuaded within sight of persuader (D6 when out 4+ yes), 0 dither, dice again next move –3+ refuses, -4- will work against persuader if possible! 

In the case of obtaining information, the amount and accuracy given is up to the Games Master.


In these a character attempts to distract a figure or figures from noticing activities elsewhere. Each figure has to be diced for separately D10 + Ch –Scruples + number of moves distracted.


Bribe attempts are made using the Class level BR (minimum Bribe Rate) * to 0 if half cash half on completion of task.

D10 –1* + multiples of the bribe rate – Scruples = 4+ bribed, 1+ bribed within sight of briber (D6 out sight 3+ yes) 0 dice again next move if another multiple of BR made, –3+ refuse, –4- refuse & report bribery attempt! 


Only characters having a Coercion value can only make coercion attempts.

Factors, brandish hand weapon +1, Struck figure (slap, punch or kick) +2, brandish firearm +3.

D10 + Co +F – Scruples = = 4+ coerced, 1+ coerced within sight of coercer (D6 when out 5+ yes), 0 dither, dice again next move –3+ refuses, -4- will work against persuader if possible!   


Spotting concealed persons or animals (CD are Chance Dice similar to ME Mystic Dice.)

D6 or CD used, distances can be varied or ignored at the Games Master's discretion.

Light Concealment (LC), means behind folds in the ground, partly hidden by tree trunks or rocks.

Hidden (Hi), is concealed behind substantial bushes, rocks or buildings.

Well Hidden (WH), is concealed in long prepared hides in dense bushes or buildings (loopholes).

Keen sighted relates to elves long sight or +2 tracking experts.

For a moving party only one dice is thrown per move relating to the nearest or most likely observer. Once any of a group of persons or creatures has been spotted, others of the party alerted by the observer may dice individually to also spot adding one to their dice. (Most likely so as to fire.) If spotted creatures move position for better concealment throw as for furtive movement.

D6 +F = table chance of spotting.  F= Observers moving cautiously (Mo -2") +1, Observer keen sighted +1, Observers moving 8"+ -1, Observers mounted -1, Alerted +1, Concealed creatures making moderate noise +1. Loud noise +2 (Shots). Creating a flame or light automatically reveals hidden position.

Spotting Table D6 + F                       Range 2"               Range 6"               (Range 12")          (Range 24")

Lightly Concealed                               2+                           4+                           6+                           8+

LC Furtive movement                        1+                           3+                           5+                           7+

LC Firing missiles                 0+                           2+                           4+                           6+

Hidden                                                   3+                           5+                           7+                           9+

Hi Furtive movement                         2+                           4+                           6+                           8+

Hi Firing missiles                                  1+                           3+                           5+                           7+

Well Hidden                                          4+                           6+                           8+                           10+

WH Furtive movement                      3+                           5+                           7+                           9+

WH Firing missiles                               2+                           4+                           6+                           8+

Hearing Ranges   U = understood H = heard Enclosing Walls halve distances

Whispers U 1", H 3". Normal speech U 6", H 12". Shouts U 12", H24" Screams & shots H36". 

Bugle Calls U 30” H 36” Drums H 48”. Sleepers D10 wake on loud 6+ normal 8+, furtive 9+.


Melees basic Melee strengths marked on card men -1>+3, women -4>0. 4 rounds of melee per move

Characters have a choice of Fighting, Mauling, Brawling or Dodging in melee. They can change their option from round to round if the character is under control (C).

Mounted bonus of +1 when Fighting or Brawling

Fighting means trying to kill opponent. Brawling means trying to stun opponent

Mauling means trying to overpower an opponent by wrestling to hold helpless or to throw

Throttling means trying to suffocate with hands, ligature, or pillow. The same as holding down in the water to drown. 

Dodging means trying to foil the attackers intent without striking back.

Riding Down means attempting to ride a horse over a foot figure, where any damage is done by the mounts hooves. In this case the foot figures Melee score –4 gives any strike against the rider unless dodging when normal competition rules apply. Riding down D6 +F –4 = 0- missed, 1+ add bludgeoning strike –2.

Factors: charging more than 4” +1 Moving less than 4” –1, Cavalry horse +1.  

Meleeing is done by throwing D6 + Me + any weapon or other Factors each in competition.

Factors, full surprise +2, half surprise +1 height advantage +1, starting from down -1, tired –1, weary –2, shaken -1, groggy -1, enraged +1, any wound deductions, Dodging +1, Picking up weapon –1.

Fighting =1+ wins obtaining relevant piercing strike effect, 0 drawn no advantage, -1- receive effect

Fighting weapons swords, axes, machetes, daggers, lances, knives and other piercing weapons. 

Brawling = 1+ wins obtaining relevant bludgeoning strike effect, 0 drawn no advantage, -1- receive effect

Brawling weapons are clubbed firearms, clubs, bottles, fists etc:

Mauling = +1 gains advantage of +1 next round, +2 advantage of +2, 3+ opponent held helpless a round and must have a AD Test, 4+ held 2* rounds & ADT or optional Thrown 1” & ADT, 5+ 3* rounds & ADT or Thrown 2” & ADT, 6+ helpless & ADT –3 or Thrown 3”.

·         surplus rounds can be utilised by one act, such as gagging or tying hands, operations that require a second assailant when character held helpless. If held helpless, -1 to next melee round.

Throttling weapons Hands –4, garrotte or cord –2, improvised ligature –3, pillow –3, PT = Part Throttled

    = +1 drawn, +2 PT +1 next round, +3 PT +2 next round, +4 PT +3 next round, +5 = unconscious

D6 for each round unconscious throttling 1st 1-, 2nd 2-, 3rd 3-, 4th 4-, 5th 5- = Dead!

Thrown strikes D6 – 3 + inches thrown = Minus values unaffected melee on. 0 attacker adds 1 to next round. +1 Flinches, +2 Staggers, +3 Downed, +4 Stunned. Thrown  = bludgeoning strike, into wall +1.

 Mauling weapons, rope +1, sack +1, whip +1for holding helpless only.

Dodging = +1evades & +1 next round, + 2 1”away & +1 next round, +3 2” away and +2 next round, +4 3” away and +3 next round, +5 4” away and + 4 next round.  

 Dodging weapons handful of dirt +1, sachet of pepper +2.

Finishing Where a  character attacks his stunned or helpless opponent and gets a free D6 strike each round.

Odds mean of Dice +2 for 2, 3 for 3 etc to one. If odds win dice for which gets strike in.

Piercing Weapon Strikes, swords 0, axes +1 (–1 to use), Lances +1, daggers –1, knives -2, Bayonets 0, machetes 0, Hat pin –4, dart -3

Piercing weapon Hit Effects a Combat Decision Test (CDT) is thrown if character is to fight on.

D6 + st (Piercing strike value at that range)= 5+ Flinch, 3+ Stagger, 2- Down

Victims Saving Throws ds = deductions to movement, firing & melee.

Flinched = 5+ superficial Wound, 3+ Flesh Wound –1ds, 2- Sore Wound –2ds

Staggered = 5+ Flesh Wound –1ds, 3+ Sore Wound –2 ds, Serious Wound –3 ds CDT -2  

Downed = Sore Wound –2 ds, 3+ Serious Wound ds CDT -3, 2- Inert possibly dead.


Fatigue Rules

A fatigue point is consumed when a character runs (Charges) or fights in melee per four rounds (1 move).

With the character values (eg: man 2/4/6 or woman 1/3/5) the first figure gives the moves of extra exertion possible until tired, when –1 to moves, melee and firing hit chances. The second, moves at tired until weary at –2 to moves, melee and firing hit chances. The third, the total moves of extra weary exertion possible until collapse. In the case of Fatigue points being drained by blood loss the character will die the amount of last value moves after collapse. Collapsed characters fall to the ground unable to move but may speak.

Piercing Wound Classifications

Superficial = clothes and minor skin damage but apart from requiring CDT OK.

Deduct 1 from bandaging dice, if it is done by the wounded person himself!

Flesh = -1” to movement, (2” double) –1 to firing or throwing hit chances & –1 in melees.  Flesh Marker

                Rough Bandaging D6 5+ ds removed, Healer treated D6 3+ ds removed.

Sore = -2” to movement, (4” double) –2 to firing or throwing hit chances & –2 in melees.  Green Marker

                Rough Bandaging D6 5+ ds improved 1, Healer treated D6 3+ ds improved 1.

Costs 1 Fatigue point per move until bandaged

Serious = -3” to movement, (6” double) –3 to firing or throwing hit chances & –3 in melees. Red Marker

                Rough Bandaging D6 5+ ds improved 1, Healer treated D6 3+ ds removed. Can speak.

Costs 2 Fatigue points per move until bandaged

 Inert = Unconscious, if examined D6 3+ bleeding needs bandaging or will die in 2x D6 moves, 2- obviously dead. Blue Marker


Bludgeoning Weapon Strikes fists -3, handbag -4, club -2, stick –3, bottle –3, chair –2 (-1 melee dice) whip -4, Lt pistol –3, Mm pistol –2, table –1, carbine –2, Rifle –1 (-1 melee dice) Thrown 1” –3, Thrown 2” -2, Thrown 3” –1, Thrown into wall +1. 

D10 + Th +F for hits, Target behind Light cover –1, Heavy Cover –2, Target Moving 3”+ –1, T Moving 8”+ -2, 15”+ -3, Large livestock +1 to hit chance but –1 to strike value

Score needed for a hit         4      5     6      7                      

Range in inches    >              3”    6”  11”  18”

Pebble                                   -3   -3    -4     -4      Bludgeoning Strike value added to D6 for effect

Bottle                                     -4    -4    -4

Rock                                      -2    -2    -3

Large Rock                           -1    -2    

Table                                      -2

Melee Bludgeoning Effects attackers excess points = Diff + Weapon strike

Minus values unaffected, melee on 0 attacker adds 1 to next round. +1 Flinches, +2 Staggers, +3 Downed,

+4 Stunned

Flinched ADT needed Staggered ADT –1 & -1 to next round of melee. Downed ADT –2 & -2 to next round of melee. Stunned Unconscious, throw a D10 each round, 0 in possibly fatal coma, 7+ to recover to Dazed (-1 in melee) then D10 each move needing 7+ to recover to normal.  


Beasts Firing Fright Resistance (FFR) and Stampedes

If a firearm is fired, any beast within 12” must test for fright. Only one test per move, OK beasts do not have to test again in this action for FFR. D10 + beasts FR +F = 5+ OK, 3+ Spooked, 2- Stampede.

Factors within 4” –1, already spooked –2, other beast within 6” stampeding –1, top rider +2 other rider +1.

Stampeding beast double move as near directly away from the sound as possible. D6 +2 if ridden needing 5+ to halt a move before coming under control as spooked beasts.

Spooked (Nervous) beasts halve speed.

Fright Resistance’s (FR)

Town Horses 0, Range horses +1, Cavalry horse +3, Indian Ponies +2, Team Oxen +2, Team horses +1, Buffalo +1, Cattle 0, Deer –2

Stampede Double move most logically direct way away from the Terror Infliction. Riders on stampeding

steeds D10 +F +1 each subsequent move, Demoralised –1, Terrified –2, Paralysed –4

= 6+ regain control, 3+ stampede another move, 2- thrown

                Steeds & beasts stampeding, need 8+ (+1 each subsequent move to halt & browse.)

Thrown or Fell Off Opponent or GM throws D10 + F + ground strike

                Fell prostrate or fainted 0, Thrown +1, Moving 6”+ +1, Moving 12” + +2

                Ground strikes: stony ground –4, normal ground –5, ploughed or sand –6 marsh –7.


Browsing steeds For characters to take control or mount un-tethered steeds.

D10 +F Owner +2, +1 expert rider, average rider 0, novice –1, inexpert rider –2

A rider can mount without problem if someone else is controlling the steed

Steed                                                      To mount              To control             To evade 3”          To gallop off

Ass                                                          5+                           3+                           1+                           0-

Mule                                                       6+                           4+                           1+                           0-

Pack horse                                            6+                           3+                           2+                           1-

Hack horse                                           5+                           3+                           1+                           0-

Cart horse                                             4+                           2+                           1-                            -1-


Firing rules D10 + Character Mar value + Factors. Throwing D10 + Throwing ability +F

Firing is worked out from apparent round positions after moving. Characters involved in a melee cannot fire. Firing into Melees D6 each miss, 2- hit friend. Ranges are measured head to head.

Firing Weapons  

Assuming the weapon is already loaded using snap shots a bullet can be fired each round. For deliberate fire a round is taken aiming before each shot. Rested weapons add one to the hit chance. Moving more than 2” in the move minus one, more than 5” –2 more than 9” –3, more than 14” –4. 

Reloading times vary as to weapon and Re ability of the character.

D10 + Mar +F for hits Snap shots –2, deliberate 0, rested +1.    

Target behind Light cover –1, Heavy Cover –2, Target Moving 3”+ –1, T Moving 8”+ -2, 15”+ -3.

Firing from horseback –1. Large livestock +1 to hit chance but –1 to strike value

Hits on riders, +1 to hit chance, D10 6+ the hit is on the rider, 5- the hit is on the mount.


D10 throws needed for a hit              4     5      6      7     8     9       

Range in inches    >                              3”    6”  11”  18” 28”  42”

Deringer                                                 0     -1     -2      -     -     -

Lt Revolver 0.2+,                                 -1    -1    -2      -     -     -                        

Mm Revolver 0.3+                              0      0     0      -1    -      -

Hvy Revolver 0.4+ range                   +1    +1   +1    0     -      -     

Lt Carbine                                             0       0     0     -1    -2     -     

Carbine                                                  +1    +1   +1   0     -1    -

Rifle                                                       +1    +1   +1   +1  +1   0

Blunderbuss                                          +3    +1      -1    -     -     -

Shotgun                                                 +2    +1     0     -2    -    -

Thrown Knife                                       -2     -3        -      -     -     -            

Thrown Dagger                                    -1     -2        -      -     -     -           

Reloading Firearms Rules

Modified from character to character and weapon but in general Activists  & willing assistants can load two bullets per round whilst Bystanders take one round and Inactives take two rounds per bullet.


Action Decision Testing (ADT) D6

ADT is thrown for when: ordered to put self in danger +1, when hit (as above) –1. when an initial shooting or scream is within 12” +1, A minor threat is felt +1, Something Frightening is seen 0 > -4, A scream or shot is heard within 6" 0, When a friend routes within 6" 0, Friend seen surrendering or Friend down possibly dead within 6” –1.

D6 + Factors fire-armed +1, each controlled armed comrade within 3" +1, Dazed -1, wounded -1

Each comrade downed or surrendered within 6"-1.Each comrade seen apparently dead -1 during action.

Results as marked on back of card. C= Controlled, O= Obedient S= Shaken, P= Panicked T= Terrified,

Controlled, means will do as the player wishes

Obedient, means that the character will do anything the player wishes short of initiating a combat or nearing something frightening.

Shaken on foot, means will not move more than 1” and is -1 in melee and firing hit chances for 4 rounds. May bandage wounds. Shaken mounted means with carry on a move & -1 if in melee or falling off mount. In coercion acts will try to temporise two rounds then ADT again.

Panicked means drop hand items, stand screaming (Helpless) AvD rounds and then dices for ADT again. Mounted gallop away for 2 rounds & ADT again. In coercion acts agree to obey coercer.

Terrified means will run to safety if able or cower down prostrate whining, or surrender if not. In coercion acts scream (Helpless) AvD -2 rounds and then obey coercer whining.

Faint fall unconscious throw a D10 each round *, 7+ to recover to Dazed (-1 in melee) then D10 each move needing 7+ to recover to normal. * If 3- on first throw, hair white from fright!

Screaming Characters screaming can do nothing else.

Dazed –1 to the dice in melee, cannot converse intelligibly.

Character Types

Activists C 3+, S 0+, T-1- Willing Assistants C 4+, S 1+, P 0, T -1- Bystanders C 5+, O 3+, S 2, P 1, T 0 F –1- Inactives O 4+, S 3, P 2, T 1, F 0-


Forcing or breaching Doors etc: One attempt per two rounds

Forcing means overcoming the locks, bolts or hinges on a door. Breaching means smashing a hole large enough to allow access. Each door thus has a forcing strength (FS) and a Breaching Strength (BS) the exceeding of either allows entry.

Locked Shed door type BS 5. FS small padlock 3, FS medium padlock 4, FS large padlock 5

+1 if other side from padlock. Locked Windowed door BS 5. FS 4 plus 1 per extra lock or bolt.

Normal internal door BS 6. FS 4 plus 1 per extra lock or bolt. Normal external door BS 7. FS 4 plus 1 per extra lock or bolt. Metal reinforced door BS 8. FS 4 plus 1 per extra lock or bolt.

Hand Forcing with shoulder or foot,

D6 + Me -FS of door, = +1 forced, 0 weakened -1 to FS, -3+ door holds, -4 hurts self unable to try again, -5- lightly wounds self -1" to move -1 to melee and firing unable to try again.

Tool Forcing with implement D6 +Tools Force Strike (TFS) -FS of door

= +1+ forced, 0 weakened -1 to FS, -3+ door holds, -4- tool broken.

Forcing Tool Factors, hammer -1, axe -1, fireaxe 0, screwdriver -1, jemmy +2, tyre lever +1

dagger -1, knife -2, sledgehammer 0.

Tool Breaching with implement D6 + Tools Break Strike (TBS) - BS of door

= +1+ breached, 0 weakened  -1 to FS, -3 door holds, -4- tool broken

Breach Tool Factors, Hammer 0, axe +1, Fireaxe +", jemmy 0 dagger -2, sledgehammer +2

Lock shooting shots within 1" from lock

D10 +Round Strike RS) = 4+ lock disabled, 2+ lock weakened +1 next shot, 1- unaffected

Round strikes, Light -1, Medium 0, Large +1, rifle +2, shotgun +3

Jumping out of Windows D6 thrown + Ag

Ground floor, 3+ move normal, 2 stumble deduct 2" from move, 1 stumble & stop

1st floor, 5+ -2 to move, 3+ stop, 2- sprain ankle stop & -2" to further moves

2nd floor, 5+ stop, 3+ sprain ankle stop & -2" to further moves, 2- break ankle & can

                only crawl at half move rate.

3rd floor, 5+ sprain ankle stop & -2" to further moves, 3+ break ankle stop & can only crawl

                at half move rate, 2- stunned and badly injured.

4th floor, 5+ break ankle stop & can crawl at half move rate, 3+ stunned & badly injured

                2- apparently dead.


Frights supernatural or otherwise Fright Values table D6 + ADTv – FV = as ADT table

FV 0 = Pool of blood, mouse, large spider, swooping bat, scream or shot within 6”

FV 1 = Severed limb, 3+ rats, Wolf, growling guard dog

FV 2= inert Skeleton, distant spectre, Lion, explosion 

FV 3 = Fresh inert Corpse, wraith, vampire.

FV 4 = Demon, moving ghost or zombie, werewolf 

FV 5 = Major Demon, army of wraiths etc.


Specimen Cards

Dr Watson Activist, Vle, Mo 5.5”, Fa 2/3/5, Ag +1, Th +1, Me +1, revolver Bst –2.

Firing 3” 4+ Pst 0, 6” 5+ Pst 0, 11” 6+ Pst 0, 18” 7+ Pst -2

Class VI, PI Respectable, Charm M+1 F+2, Coercion 0.

Mrs Hudson Bystander, Mo 5”, Fa 1/2/3, Ag –1, Th –1, Me –2, tray Bst –3

Class IV, PI Respectable, Charm M +1, F 0

Rafe Publican, Bystander, Mo 5”, Fa 2/2/4, Ag –1, Th 0, Me 0, bludgeon Bst -2

Class V, PI Dubious, Charm M +1, F +1, Coercion 0

PC Hodge WA, Mo 6”, Fa 2/3/3 Ag +1, Th 0, Me +1 truncheon Bst –1

Class IV, PI Respectable, Charm M-1 F 0, Coercion –1

Fagin Gang leader, Lea, Activist, Mo 5”, Fa 2/3/3, Ag 0, Th 0, Me +1, cosh Bst –3

Class IV PI Unsavoury, Charm M+1, F +1, Coercion 0

Bill Sykes Thug, Activist, Mo 6”, Fa 3/4/4, Ag +1, Th +1, Me +3, bludgeon Bst –2

Class III PI Unsavoury, Charm M –1, F –1, Coercion +3

Nancy Harlot, Willing Assistant Mo 4.5”, Fa 1/3/3, Ag 0, Th –1, Me –2, bare hands Bst –3

Class II (I) Unsavoury, Charm M+2, F 0 

Oliver Twist Youth, Inactive, Mo 5”, Fa 1/2/2, Ag +1, Th +1, Me –1, bare hands –3

Class I PI Dubious, Charm M0, F +1.

Count Dracula Lea, Activist, Mo 6”, Fa 3/5/7, Ag +2, Th 0, Me +2, Teeth Pst –2

Class VII PI Unsavoury, Charm M +1, F +3, Coercion +1,

Frankenstein’s Monster FV3! WA, Mo 5.5, Fa3/5/7, Ag –1, Th –1, Me +3, Bare hands Bst –2

Class III PI Unsavoury, Charm M-2, F –2, Coercion +3

Jack the Ripper Activist, Mo 6”, Fa 2/3/4, Ag +2, Th 0, Me +2, dagger Pst –1 (Throttled victims)

Class VI? Unsavoury, Charm M 0, F +1, Coercion +2 

Florence Nightingale Lea, Activist, Mo 5”, Fa 2/3/4, Ag –1, Th –1, Me –2, lamp Bst –3

Class VII, (VI) PI Respectable, Charm M +2, F +1, Coercion 0

Grace Darling WA, Mo 5.5, Fa 2/4/5, Ag 0, Th 0, Me –1, Bare hands Bst –3

Class III (II) PI Respectable, Charm M +2, F +1  

Lizzie Borden Bystander, Mo 5”, Fa 2/2/4, Ag 0, Th –1, Me –1, Axe Pst +1

Class VI (V) PI Dubious, Charm M +1, F 0, Coercion +1        


Action Decision Testing Table

D6 + ADT Character Value (+2 > -2)

Ac Activists Controlled 3+, Shaken 0+, Terrified -1-

WA Willing Assistants Controlled 4+, Shaken 1+, Panicked 0, Terrified -1-

By Bystanders Controlled 5+, Obedient 3+, Shaken 2, Panicked 1,

Terrified 0+ Faint –1-

In Inactives Obedient 4+, Shaken 3, Panicked 2, Terrified 1 Faint 0-


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